Fashion Magazine

The Hottest Stems: Brain Atwood

By Kena @campchic

Are you drooling yet? You should be! Take a sneak peek at the Fall '12 shoe collection for Brian Atwood. These shoes are HOT HOT HOT! Mr. Atwood is quickly becoming the shoe of choice for every fashionista and celebrity. I for one am in love and have been for the past 3 years. The reason I adore Brian Atwood's shoe collection is pure originality. He has a knack for working with new fabrics and colors to create a unique pair of stilettos. A talent he developed from studying art and architecture prior to his 7 year modeling career. I'm saving up for a pair of Brian Atwood shoes which I hope to purchase this fall. Would you believe I want to add Brian Atwood to my shoe collection before adding a pair of Christian Louboutin?!  I'm sure I'm going to receive many "gasps" for the latter comment. What can I say, I don't always follow suit when it comes to fashion.  I march to the beat of my own "stilettos"!







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