Books Magazine

The Hoolet Thit Couldnae Fly by @emmagraeauthor

By Pamelascott

The Hoolet Thit Couldnae Fly by @emmagraeauthor

Ah want tae check she's awricht. Ah kin luik there fur Brodie an aw. Burds are meant tae fly.

Brodie the hoolet goes missin. Bein a hoolet wi a bad wing, the young lass Iona is feart fur Brodie's safety. Her mammy is busy tryin tae get hur ready for school and the snaw is settlin in. But Brodie must be foond.

Iona sets aff, runnin through the gairden and explorin Mad Billy's fairm. Brodie couldnae huv gone faur. Efter aw, she wis a hoolet thit couldnae fly.


It's a cauld winter mornin when ah wake up tae wan o Brodie's feathers oan the flair. (1, SNAW)


(@LuathPress, 30 November 2023, paperback, 64 pages, copy from the publisher, Blog Tour 21 August)



I had a great time reading The Hoolet Thit Couldnae Fly. Unlike other children's books this has mostly text and a few black and white drawings per chapter which worked really well. The book is written in Scots and clearly designed as an educational tool to teach children the language as well as convey a good story and some morals. I rarely read Scots and it took a few pages for me to get used to the language. This would be the perfect book to read to or with a child, learning the strange, beautiful words together. The story is beautifully written, narrated and illustrated. The story is a sad one at it's core but beautiful. I'd highly recommend this lovely book.


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