Religion Magazine

The Holly and the Iphone

By Richardl @richardlittleda

When sulking is good?

The video below was posted less than 24 hours ago, and I first saw it 3 hours ago. Since then another 11,600 people have viewed it; and  I have see-sawed between admiring it and wanting to shout at it. On the one hand I admire the smart use of perspective reversal – the sulky kid is actually a caring member of the family. On the other, I detest the suggestion that absorption with the mobile screen whilst the family gather all around you is a good thing. Surely if the kid had “said” Happy Christmas he wouldn’t have had to make the video?

I know, I know I sound like Waldo and Statler from the Muppets. I know, too, that I am only contributing to the media storm from the advertisers by blogging this. Seriously, though – what do you think?


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