When you think of an influencer's life what you picture? Feast, amazing holiday, and posting isn't that true?
But there's definiently a very harsh side of influencer's life, and they might not show that online. Read this blog to know more.
Being a social media influncer or a digital content creator is the career goal for the teenagers these days. However, the reasons are obvious, because it looks so happening to an outsider.
We social media influencers use our platform to spread positivity, to entertain you and sometimes to educate you. We create content so that our followers can get help and benefit for their life.
One of the big juggle that we do is to find the right idea to touch your heart. That is why it takes too much of time and effort. It takes a fortune to run a successful Instagram feed, blog or Youtube channel. You don't post a picture and start rolling over internet.
However, you might feel that an influencer is living the dream of 24/7. Let me tell you, we influencers want you to think that way about us. If you want a sneak peak let me tell you, there's a whole lot of efforts and courage which drains your energy to the end. After that one image gets ready. Don't get me? Follow the post to unfold the harsh reality of influencer's life.
1- A game of number
Well you have a business and you want it to be memorized with the Face of Jennifer Lopez or maybe face of Shawn Mendes. Just imagine if they flaunt your service or product where will your business go?
Got my point?
If you have a largest number of followers you can easily get a brand to advertise. On the other hand, those who have small amount of followers they struggle to get brands.
Despite, marketing agencies fight to work with influencers who have largest number of followers.
Formula is simple, the greater your follower, the greater sales of brands. And yes, most of the times creating good content is not enough to reach the goals.
Now that you get brands, it's time to look at second point.
2- You loose moment
You see influencers in hotel, resorts or villa and start wishing if you were there. However, the reality is something else.
Hotel treats us sweetly, they take good care of your visit to the hotel but they also want you to write only positive sides of their services. Staying in hotels & resorts for work is not as pampering as it seems in the gram. At times you are only clicking photos or following the brand agenda because after all they are taking good care of you.
Or even if you are working in the technology industry, you use their products, you note the good and bad points of their product. However, they don't want you to put negative point of the product and you need to only focus on positive terms.
You get water in your mouth when see those food pics on Insta?
Well buddy, we keep taking pics of the food and couldn't get to enjoy the food at it's peak. As it gets cold by the time when we get to eat.
3- Harsh reality about going to an event
Well, the organisers invite us to attend the event. Of course, they offer delicious foods, ride to and from home, then we get to meet many of the people & interact them.
At the same time we need to focus on being presentable at every time, whether it be conversation time, dinner time or an interview time.
4- Beating competition
Over last few years, we were all marketing through SEO and then suddenly the influencing came to play. Then boom, industries got busted with sales by using this kind of marketing.
Apart from that, your competitors doesn't support you that much as you have good content which is also helpful for others but they won't share it. As this will create distraction from their profile.
When we get to beat our competitors, here comes the new challenge, let's find out
6- Pressure of promoting legit things
Over the period of time, when you get a huge base of following, you start getting tons of brands to promote. And you need to pick brands that are legit. After reviewing all the good and bad sides of their products, you need to approve or disapprove it for posting on your feed. However, It's a tough task to say no to any brand.
Now that your spreading out something for good or putting up your point, here comes the new milestone. Which is :
7- Trollers can attack you at any time
If you take a look at my this tweet about Ranveer Singh's dressing sense, you can see the hate and bully in the comments.
Yes, this is the point if you are thinking to come in this field, you need to have very strong will and patience level. Because trollers can attack you at any time. You never know how small thing can get you in a great trouble.
8- Influencing is not a 9 to 5 job
Influencing is not a 9 to 5 job where you can dust off your tension in your office. It's a job that you do after wake up to before you sleep. You always have the tension to create engaging and helpful content for your insta family.
Also 9 to 5 job does have week off but when you are an influncer, you don't even have weekends.
9- Addiction to social media which is not good
Finding content ideas is not an easy job and we influencers go through a lot of hard work to just get one idea. Our lives revolves on camera, everywhere we go, eat, shop anywhere we keep finding content and post it on our social media. Now this habit makes us social media addicted which is not good and we do get criticism from the friends and family around us for loosing the moment.
1 0- FOMO
Not everyone knows that but FOMO ( Fear Of Missing Out ) , is real. And it can effect anyone. At one time posts of your fav. digital content creators can actually make you feel depressed, specially if you are an influencer too. FOMO occurs when you see others are really active, they are doing paid collabs or they are getting more engagement and you are doing nothing. Let me give you one real life example, my last Diwali was very hectic, i was busy whole day to decorate the home, to cook the food and to look after my daughter and by end of the day i had no energy to pose . Next day when i was checking other's pics on gram from Diwali, i felt really sad & depressing.
You might feel an influencer do nothing to get this luxury in their life but there are a lot of hard work which you don't get to see. Sometimes a 1-minute video you see needs more than 60 frames to shot.
It's all a juggle to keep you motivated for any service or product.