Before I moved to United States in 2001, I lived in Nigeria for five years without my mother. My mom was in the States because two of my older siblings were here. After 2001, I grew up with my mother and all my siblings in the States without my father. Technically, I grew up in single-parent household. Yes, my parents are still married.
I don’t look at any of these guys negatively; they all came into my life to show me how emotional distraught I was. I don’t blame them for the negative outcomes of our friendships. That’s the first step to healing, forgiving the past, learning from it and moving on.
Guy Mr C is one of the most selfish people I have ever met. He is very smart yet selfish. I remember when I was telling a friend about him and she said something that stuck to me. She said, “it’s about integrity.” Mr. C has achieved a lot for himself at such a young age. He is a pharmacist and currently in school for his Phd in nanomedicine. I am very proud of his accomplishments.
The lessons I learned from Mr. C:
1.When someone shows you, who they are, believe them immediately and treat them accordingly.
2. Don’t invest your time and energy into someone who is selfish and self-centered.
3. Please be careful with guys who are quick to anger.
4. Guys like this, already know what they want, if it’s not you. My dear, move on..
5. Don’t allow a guy’s intelligence cloud your judgment.
*Great guy for someone else. NOT ME!!! Good luck Mr. C.
Mr. D is one of my favorites. I liked this guy for a long time. I talked to him for 5 years without dating him. Love to him is like a beauty contest; the prettiest girl will always win. He is also very intelligent. Don’t judge me; I have a thing for smart guys. We would have dated if he wasn’t also trying to date one of my other friends (shaking my head).
Lessons I learned from Mr. D:
1. Do not talk to a guy for five years without dating him
2. A guy who can’t focus on one person at a time is not for you.
3. A guy doesn’t put God first is a waste of time.
4. Learn to love yourself first before someone can love you.
Even though things didn’t work with Mr. D, I am thankful for those five years. I learnt a lot about myself and what I really wanted. I believe in growing, so the next guy I date has to be better than Mr. D. I have to applaud Mr. D for helping me set such a high-standard.
*Great guy with a great future. I am thankful for those 5 years.
I grew up in a home without my father present yes, it was tough learning about guys but I had to take it one experience at a time. To ladies like me: never blame the absence of your dad as the reason for your failed relationships. Learn from your mistakes, know yourself and never stop loving yourself.
Filed under: Africa, African Strong, Beauty, Black Community, Coming to America, Culture, Dating, Girl, Goal, God, Heart, Hope, Imagination, Inspirational, Ladies, Life, Lifestyle, Love, Moving Forward, Nigerian Culture, People, Power of Thinking, Waiting, Women Tagged: 9jagirl4real, Advice, Beauty, Change, Commitment, Culture, Educational, Future, Hope, Inspirational, Life, Love, Marriage, People, Relationships