Fashion Magazine

The Guide To Men’s Ski Wear

By Attireclub @attireclub

It’s been a while since wooden skis were in style, and, as you upgraded your skis, you need to upgrade your look on the slopes as well. While some things never change, others did evolve and this is why we want to have a look at what you should be wearing when you hit the slopes, regardless if you are skiing or snowboarding.

Of course it’s all about being warm, but it’s also all about comfort and looking your best. We don’t want you to look like the Michelin Man, but we don’t want you to be cold either. The key to achieve this to to layer your clothes and to find them in the right fabrics!

The tips on men’s ski wear we are going to give you can be adjusted to any budget, preference or style.

In terms of color, you can go technical and wear two colors or go more colorful and create a palette of colors that go together well!

In terms of color, you can go technical and wear two colors or go more colorful and create a palette of colors that go together well!


It is essential to wear more thin layers on the slope. You basically need to wear three layers:

The base layer

  • Thermal undergarments. This is special underwear that will keep moisture away from your body.
  • Proper ski socks. You can even wear more layers of socks: a thin, cotton sock on the bottom layer for breathability, and second, warm wool sock over that. Avoid socks with big, thick seams

The mid-layer

  • A turtleneck shirt that doesn’t slide around while you walk and that is fitted to your chest
  • A wool sweater or a piece made out of fleece is perfect for the mid-layer
  • Long johns/ Thermal pants. These should be pressed against your legs, but not too hard, you still wish your blood to run through your veins

The upper layer

  • Jackets or vests. Ski jackets these days are made to be thin and also to keep you warm, so you don’t need a huge bulky jacket to make sure you stay warm.
  • Ski pants. It’s important to wear pants made for skiing, as they have an extra layer that keeps the snow from reaching inside, so you will stay warm and protected
  • Ski boots. Of course you will be wearing ski boots, as other types won’t clip with your skis. What you need to look for when buying new boots is that they should fit you perfectly. Not wearing the right boots will not only make you wobble, but it will also make you get cold a lot faster

To have the best experience while skiing, you can also get some great accessories, such as:

  • Gloves. Ski gloves are thicker than normal gloves and have a rubber lining on the outside for easy grip
  • Fleece or wool hat. We recommend that you wear a hat or a cap, and if you are too warm, you can take it off, but having one handy is always essential. Also, those of you who ski in rather dangerous conditions should always wear a helmet
  • Sunglasses or goggles. We recommend that the sunglasses you wear to be wrap-around, so that they protect your eyes from the wind as well


The fabrics you will we wearing are very important, they are the factor that decides whether you will be warm or cold. Here are some of the fabrics you should (and shouldn’t) be wearing:

  • Gore-tex is a great fabric for ski jackets, as it keeps you warm and is still very thin
  • Cotton is not recommended (you can wear a few cotton pieces, but try not to overdo it or wear cotton undergarments) as it holds moisture and will make a chill layer. Usually many thin layers is a better system than just one thick layer – the exception is if it is very cold outside and you only have access to a down jacket
  • Fleece is a great fabric to wear when going on the slope, so you can trust it to keep the moisture away
  • Wool works also great! Wearing a good sweater can ensure your warmth, if you do the other layers right as well
  • You can wear combinations of fabrics or lightweight, synthetic material like polypro, capyline, etc.

Additional tips:

  • You should wear thermal underwear in addition to regular undergarments.
  • Wearing a helmet and back protector is important, as they will keep you safe.
  • Even though it’s important to have as many pieces of clothes on, too much can cause over-heating, while too little clothes can result in frostbite
  • On very cold days, wear a gaiter, also called a neck-warmer. This will protect you from the cold and wind

And, of course, don’t forget your skis!

Have a wonderful time skiing, and if you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear them! Also, for more articles on clothes, subscribe to our site or our social media pages.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. Do you like to go skiing? Have you had funny stories? What do you wear when you are on the slope? Share your comments below!

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