Books Magazine

The Flood by @maggiegeewriter

By Pamelascott

The rich are safe on high ground, but the poor are getting damper in their packed tower blocks, and the fanatical 'Last Days' sect is recruiting thousands. When at last the sun breaks through the clouds Lottie heads off to the opera, husband Harold listens to jazz and their ditsy teenage daughter Lola fights capitalism by bunking off school. Shirley takes her twin boys to the zoo. The government - eager to detract attention from a foreign war it has waged - announces a spectacular City Gala. But not even TV astrologer Davey Lucas can predict the extraordinary climax that ensues.



(@SaqiBooks, 16 April 2012, e-book, 187 pages, borrowed from @NACLibraries via @BorrowBox)



I've read a couple of books by the author but wouldn't rate myself as fan. I enjoyed The Flood a lot. I really enjoy dystopian fiction and books about the end of the world and the like so expected to enjoy this which I did. This is a short read but there's plenty backed into the pages. It didn't feel like a sparse book at all. I enjoyed this a lot.

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