Business Magazine

The Five Star 5 -Ideas, Ideas, Ideas!

Posted on the 06 March 2014 by Tim Mushey @TimMushey73

Thinking Business Woman Looking Up On Many Questions Mark Isolat

Coming up with fresh, entertaining and captivating blog content on a regular basis can be tough. I am kind of lucky, in that my brain is always “on” and ideas continually flow!

But I still need to look for more inspiration, and came up with the three fantastic articles that have inspired me to keep evolving my content!

From “Copy Blogger”

From “Start Blogging Online”

From “ProBlogger”

Here are a few things that help me gather information and create content.

  1. Always have a pen and notebook within arm’s reach. Do this electronically if you like, and NEVER assume that you will remember something later without documenting it!
  2. Create an “Inspiration File”. Archive articles or other content that has peaked your curiosity to refer back to later.
  3. Be aware of things around you. Great ideas can come from the radio, TV, people you socialize with, or observing others.
  4. Review old content or notes.  A slightly different twist can bring new life to information.
  5. No idea is silly or crazy! No matter how out of left field something may seem at the time, you never know what might come of it!

Keep creating, be open to all possibilities with your writing, and HAVE FUN



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