Celeb Magazine

The First ‘Justice League’ Trailer Dropped: Cheeseball, Awesome Or Just Bland?

Posted on the 26 March 2017 by Sumithardia

Let me be clear about one thing: I’m actually looking forward to Wonder Woman. I think WW looks really good and I’m really rooting for Gal Gadot to kick ass in her solo WW movie, and I hope the film is a huge financial and critical success. If this was a story about Wonder Woman and Gal Gadot, I would be all for it. But it’s not. The whole reason they introduced WW in Batfleck vs WhatsHisGuts: 2 Sad 2 Batfleck was because they wanted to do a Justice League movie. The stand-alone WW movie was an afterthought in their master plan of going head-to-head with the Avengers for all of that sweet comic-book ensemble money. So, the first Justice League movie IS the master plan of Warner Bros. And this trailer is our first real look at the film:

I get that this is supposed to be a short-handed introduction to these characters but… my God, where’s the plot? It’s just, like, let’s get some superheros together and bam, we should make a billion dollars. Gadot is WW, Ben Affleck returns as The Batfleck, Ray Fisher is Victor Stone/Cyborg, Jason Momoa is Aquaman and Ezra Miller is The Flash. Henry Cavill isn’t in this trailer but Superman obviously shows up at some point. Amber Heard will show up at Meera, Amy Adams reprises her role as Lois Lane and there are more interesting names involved too (like Willem Defoe!).
So… are you into this? I’m not feeling the tone quite yet, although I’m open to the possibility that this is just a bad trailer. Aquaman seems cheesy. The special effects are struggling. WW looks awesome, but I’ll be so mad if she has to carry this nonsense. And The Batfleck’s special Batfleck voice? Um, no. It’s like Ben’s impression of Christian Bale’s Batman voice.
Incidentally, I do think they are getting it right with Wonder Woman. The latest trailer (released a week ago) looked really great.

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Source: celebitchy.com

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