Eviction Notice Coming Soon
The last 30 days of pregnancy will seem like the days will drag on. At this point many mom’s are miserable and ready to me their baby, I know that I was with my last two pregnancies. The good news is that you will have your baby in the next few weeks, and many doctors will not allow you to go 2 weeks past your due date. So try to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy because once your baby is here you will miss those tiny kicks, jabs, and late night trips to the bathroom to pee.
Disclosure: This post is for informational purposes only. Please talk to your doctor before trying to self induce.
Trying to Induce Labor
Many mothers are so tired of being pregnant that they will attempt anything to try to jump start their labor. However, no matter what you do or take chances are you will not go into active labor until your body is ready. I attempted trying to jump start my labor during my last pregnancy and the only thing it did was give me was two false labor runs to the hospital and my baby decided to turn breech. Many women try these things to induce labor:
- nipple stimulation
- pineapple
- sexual intercourse
- eating spicy food
- bouncing on an exercise ball
- lots of walking
- evening primrose oil
- raspberry leaf tea
- acupuncture
- castor oil
Find a Hobby
Instead of focusing on when you are go into labor, try to relax and enjoy those final days of pregnancy. After it is over, you will miss those tiny kicks, punches, rolls, and jabs. The best way to help pass the time is to find a hobby that you enjoy such as: crocheting, knitting, making hair bows, scrap booking, ect These project will keep you busy and make you feel that you have accomplished something.
Read a Good Book
Snuggle up in bed or on the couch with a good book. I know that you are probably thinking that I am crazy for suggesting this since most of you are uncomfortable. However, once baby comes you won’t be reading very many books.
Catch Up on Sleep
Sleep as much as possible, so that you are well rested for the big day. Once labor begins, you could be in labor for a few hours or days, so it is best to get as much rest as you can. During early labor, try to sleep or rest in between contractions while you have the chance. After you arrive to the hospital, the nurses and doctors usually come in several times to check on you, making it hard to get much rest.
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Originally written October 1, 2012.
What did you do to pass the time during your final month of pregnancy?