Politics Magazine

The "Fair Weather" Democrats Are Still Trying To Snatch Defeat Out Of The Jaws Of Victory

Posted on the 20 July 2024 by Jobsanger

The Republican convention is over, and it ended with a long and rambling Trump speech that reminded most voters of just how bad a second term for his would be.

It is the perfect time for Democrats to unite behind President Biden, and fight hard to defeat Trump.

But sadly, there is still a contingent of Democrats (I call them fair weather Dems) who don't seem to want to defeat Trump. They are still trying to focus the election on President Biden instead of where the focus belongs - on the dangerous and frightening prospect of a second Trump term.

They praise Biden out of one side of their mouths while denigrating him out of the other side. They seem determined to convince voters that President Biden is to old and incompetent to serve a second term.

I don't believe most voters want Trump back in the White House, but if these fair weather Dems continue, they might convince some voters that neither choice is acceptable. I don't think those independent voters will vote for Trump, but they might just stay home on Election Day - and that would be just as bad.

I am amazed at the arrogance of these fair weather Dems, who think they know better than the voters who should be the party's nominee. The days of political bosses in smoke-filled back rooms choosing a nominee are over. The voters now choose the nominee - and they chose Joe Biden. And most still support him.

If Biden loses the election, it will not be his fault. The blame will rest on the fair weather Dems who convinced voters that Biden was too old and infirm for a second term. They should be ashamed of themselves, because their actions could result in a second Trump term (and the end of our democracy).  

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