Life Coach Magazine

The Epiphanies Of The Extraordinary

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

444537_when_the_sun_say_goodbye____It is funny how people attempt to go behind one’s back to do dirt. Actually believing that the person that they are scheming against is unaware, or that they will never find out about the shenanigans that were done until it is far too late.

What if one is far ahead? Knowing and figuring out just about every detail of sequence that there is to an episode.

During negative instances of calamity some people will tend to believe that a person is oblivious as to what is going on around them if they appear to be undisturbed or unabashed.

Now, what is the definition of calamity?

Does what some people consider a loss, distress, affliction, or disaster actually account for what another person is actually going through?

The answer is no.

What if a circumstance or situation that is deliberately arranged for a negative purpose and outcome has absolutely no bearing or affect upon it’s inspired target?

What if an ordeal that had maliciously transpired in vain came to serve as an unintentional major advancement within that targeted person’s life?

It is strange and interesting to learn about the depths of gravity when experiencing the epiphanies that distinctly pertain to one’s own personal life.

I have recognized that in the times of my life that were to be altered by uncongenial people, I stayed intact.

I have noticed within the events that were suppose to cause me greats setbacks and downfalls that they were indeed just great pushes to send me up forward, and farther.

Extra Sensory Perception is a divine revelational attribute for certain people to possess. It is a very beneficial and resourceful gift for one to experience and to utilize.

In the present, through out, and over time, the past and the future will back set, set, then reset.

The reality that is set within, and that is set apart from my own true world, and within the world that we all live in, proves to be at a direct seesaw level.

A tug of war over the world and the accords that should inevitably win.

What I am innately surrounded by I intend to maintain. There is no other more appropriate outlet, or better way for me to survive. I live sustained by the natural desirable elements of my own existence.

My own pure deities. My own pure loves and lights. My own true fates.

Everyone has their own spiritual and nonspiritual beliefs. One person’s fact can be another person’s fiction.

As I have said before in the past, what is the truth to one person is sometimes foreign to another, yet both of their circumstances are real but not to each other.

Any claims that individuals do not come up into an agreement upon does not make any of those certain claims out to be false or non existent.

No one can touch or undue what is relevant and prevalent to and within one’s own special birthrights.

Visit My Voice Weblog If You’re Suppose To Be Evil Why Are You So Good?, The All Seeing Truth Not Blinded By The Lies, My Love And Light

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