Politics Magazine

The Epidemic Of Gun Violence Continued In 2023 U.S.

Posted on the 02 January 2024 by Jobsanger
The Epidemic Of Gun Violence Continued In 2023 U.S.
The Epidemic Of Gun Violence Continued In 2023 U.S.
The United States did not set records in the number of mass shootings or gun deaths in 2023. But it's nothing to be celebrated, because they came very close to both records -- 655 mass shootings (record 689) and 42,892 gun deaths (record 45,158). It's safe to say the pathetic gun bill passed by Congress early in the year did nothing to stem the tide of gun violence.

Congress (especially the Republicans) have shown they will do nothing to stop (or slow) the epidemic of gun violence. It will be up to the country's voters to stop it. Until voters make it a point to vote against those who refuse to pass reasonable (and constitutional) gun legislation, nothing will happen. 

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