There’s just so much you can do on the internet nowadays. Like dumping someone.
‘Kirk dumped Stephanie today by email,’ my thirteen old daughter told me. And she added: ‘That’s the third time she got dumped by email already.’
I smelled a great parenting opportunity to teach them some high morals, so I said: ‘That’s not very nice of Kirk! If you want to break up with someone you should do it face to face.’
And he called her a c**nt’, my daughter added.
‘That’s absolutely terrible!’ I declared. ‘You tell Stephanie she’s better off without that foulmouthed boy!’
Obediently she tweeted my parenting wisdom to Stephanie.
‘It’s a disgrace, really it is,’ I said to my husband. ‘What is the world coming to!’ But of course he didn’t hear me, because he was busy popping balloons on the internet.
Maybe I should tweet him a heartfelt message.
Face to face of course.