
The End Of Mercury Retrograde Brings A Positive Change In The Lives Of 3 Zodiac Signs

Posted on the 17 January 2023 by L'Express

Astrologers interpret Mercury retrograde as an optical recoil that slows change, brings communication and relationship issues, and makes individuals more nervous. Fortunately, this slowness ends on January 18 and brings good news to 3 zodiac signs. Only now can 2023 really begin!

The end of Mercury retrograde allows some of you to adjust your life. Astrologers have identified the astrological signs whose life will improve from January 18. Are you one of the lucky ones?

What are the 3 zodiac signs whose life will improve from the end of retrograde Mercury?

Mercury played its last game of poker by being in retrograde in the middle of Capricorn season. This movement must have shaken you more than once and destabilized you. Nevertheless, this retrograde phase, having started on December 30, 2022, now ends on January 18, 2023. Commitments that you were unable to keep? an argument with relatives or friends? Unjustified conflicts? Don’t think about it anymore! your problems will finally be solved, just look at each situation individually… The demotion of the gray planet has undoubtedly left behind some clues that could be very useful to you in order to establish order and balance in your life again .


Aries zodiac sign. Source: spm

Reflect on everything that has happened in your life since Mercury’s retrograde began and carefully examine each of the problematic situations so that you can find the right solutions. Because of this movement, you have probably had the feeling that you have no control over anything. But fortunately for you, dear Aries natives, you will finally be able to visualize your goals more clearly and see certain situations, once considered complex, from a different angle. The desire to take back the reins of your life and get back on track is getting stronger and stronger. So, if you want to find solutions to your problems, you might as well do it now while the stars support you. With Jupiter in your zodiac sign, you feel like you’re in control of your destiny again, so you might as well prove it to yourself and everyone around you. Although the objectives may seem vague to you or the resolutions more difficult to keep, have no fear, go for it headlong and you will manage to accomplish the impossible.


virgin beautiful period

Virgo zodiac sign. Source: spm

You are probably very worried that you did not have enough time to complete certain tasks related to your work. No more blaming yourself for this, because starting January 18, you will become more productive and active again. You no longer have any reason to feel bad. As far as your professional situation is concerned, success is assured! Your efforts will pay off very soon, and chances are you’ll get a big promotion or pay rise. Indeed, during this week, it is not only the gray planet which ends its retrograde. But this is the case for all the other planets! So now is the time to be open to newness, to embrace change, and to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Remember, dear natives of the sign of Virgo, that you are favored by the stars during this period, so do not hesitate to unleash the power of heaven to succeed. Although the beginning of this year must have been rough for you, the end of the retrogrades will help you to recover slowly.


beautiful period scorpio

Scorpio zodiac sign. Source: spm

A new cycle begins, rejoice dear natives of the Scorpio sign! Due to Mercury, you probably had no strength and often felt tired. This is quite normal, because when it is in retrograde, the planet of communication does not allow any of us to spread its wings and shine. Lucky for you, Scorpio, starting January 18, you can finally become more productive and motivated. The end of this retrograde movement will give you enthusiasm, hope and the strength to achieve your dreams. So now is the perfect time to invest in your future, don’t wait until you feel completely ready to get started. Break away from the idea of ​​perfection and do what it takes to succeed, without thinking too much. Besides, your past experiences will help you achieve your goals on time and emerge victorious. On the heart side, it’s up to you to provoke a romantic encounter. In any case, the stars grant you their blessing on this subject.

Read also: Mercury retrograde: in a few days, the fate of many zodiac signs will change


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