Books Magazine

The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

As today is Halloween and also the last day of October, it marks the end of the month of #FROCKTOBER, which I’ve been participating in on Instagram at stephverni. In order to highlight and bring awareness to OVARIAN CANCER, I posted one outfit each day for the month of October. While I’m sort of relieved it’s over, I always finish what I’ve started, and I hope I’ve raised awareness of this type of cancer, which my colleague and friend, Chris Noya, is battling. It’s never to late to contribute: visit (American Cancer Society) or (National Ovarian Cancer Coalition) to donate and help change lives.

Here are the last few shots from the month of #frocktober:

The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New
The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New

The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New

The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New


Tomorrow, in conjunction with the Stevenson Library, we will kick-off NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH here on campus. We are a designated writing site, so you can always feel free to come here and write and get away from any distractions you may have. The event begins at 2 p.m. in the STEVENSON LIBRARY IN THE BROWN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. I hope to see you there.

Many popular novels began with the National Novel Writing Month challenge. Are you up for it?

Additionally, it would be really lame if I were to help kick off the month of writing, but then didn’t write.

The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New

So, here’s another challenge I’m going to be involved with for the month of November: we are going to (TOGETHER) participate in this amazing writing challenge. We will share ideas, tips, writing insights, and our work throughout the month. I will be blogging EVERY DAY with regard to some aspect of writing, whether it’s sharing a writing tip, story, work in progress, or chapters of a novel.

We have to work together and encourage each other. So…writers out there…whether you are a…









…let’s do this thing together.

You can count on me. Can I count on you?

Filed under: On Life Tagged: authors, frocktober, Happy Halloween, NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, novel writing, write during November, writers, writing challenges
The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New
The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New
The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New
The End of #Frocktober and The Beginning of Something New

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