Languages Magazine

The Effect of Globalization in Languages

By Tlb

In the world today, it is not a surprise anymore why more and more people around the globe are pursuing to learn Spanish language, Russian language, German language, and English language; this is because we live in a globalize phenomenon and the advent of different kinds of technologies like satellite TV, Internet, mobile phones, etc. turn to be the effects of the latest inventions.


In the 21st century the globalization has brought so many effects especially on language. As a matter of fact, immediate control of this includes cultures of different languages, seeking for personnel that are bilingual and multilingual.


The globalization emphasizes the trend of language barriers. In some occasion the language is pondered as dominant, but this doesn’t mean that a particular language is the native lingo of more speakers compared to some other language; in which is English is the one acknowledged by nearly all people in the world, to the fact that Mandarin Chinese is the widely-spoken language across the world.


That’s why people from different countries choose to learn Chinese, since new inventions of devices are expansive to the country and to other countries linked to China. However, English is the language that dominates global business, media, and for global scientific publications, this is due to belief of a large number of people that more people speak and read English article if published than Mandarin Chinese.


As a result, for people to interact more on an international scale, they study and learn as many foreign languages as they want to become multilingual. And because English is the dominant language, the interest of many spread out around the world. Therefore, is it true that because of the rampant of English language in the globalization, other languages have led to extinction?

But it is very important for all to preserve their language as well as the culture through learning. In spite of the amplification of globalization, learning foreign languages can help remain the culture by language classes. It is still vital to promote native languages any places possible- in language schools, homes, and foreign language institutions – to support native culture a well.


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