Because Chelsea and Sacha both are home for a long weekend, they decided to go canyoning, which sounded like canoeing to me, well the way French Husband said canyoning that is. French Husband begged me to go, " will have fun, you will be with us, I will watch out for you, it is not hard, ten years olds do it..."
But I am not so stupid after 27 years of being married to this Frenchman I have learned the hard way that his easy means, "Scary as $é!§è"é§(&#à" for me.
The three of them left this morning for the Gorge de Verdon, a stunningly beautiful canyon less than two hours from our home. Right before they left French Husband pleaded, "Come on Corey, you can take pictures, you will be with us, I will watch out for you, ten year olds do it... there are only a few ropes and you will have a helmet and a wet suit..."
"ROPES...?" I asked, "Why does one need a rope to go canoeing?"
But when I said canoeing French Husband heard canyoning.
He shrugged, "You should come, and be with us."
I felt guilty. I wished my fear did not control my decision. I thought to myself, "I can take emotional risks, but not physical ones."
They happily went without me.
I went to church and prayed in the calm silent womb, the safe place I feel when I am there. I prayed for their safety, with the word rope coming in between my Hail Marys and Our Fathers.
Why ropes?

Early afternoon Chelsea called to reassure me that they were fine.
I could tell they were in hog heaven of over abundant glory. I asked, "Did you take any photos?" Chelsea laughed, "Mom, how could I?"
I was utterly confused, "Couldn't you stop rowing to take one souvenir photo?"
"Rowing" she laughed then clarified, in her perfect accent, "Mom we went canyoning not canoeing."
"Could I have done it?"
"Oh God no! We all agreed, that you would have HATED every single second of it."
in which I replied, "Thank God," and under my breath, "I am so gonna bop you dad."
Photos from the professional organization to come.
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