
The Day After, Russia’s Sergey Lavrov Spotlights Alternative Mechanisms to Cut Sanctions

Posted on the 02 April 2022 by Geetikamalik

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov tested efforts to avoid “illegal” sanctions came a day after the representative of US National Security Advisors Daleep Singh warned the consequences to avoid Western sanctions for the invasion of Ukraine.

Russia has placed a payment mechanism in the national currency for transactions with India and other partners and its use will increase to cut sanctions imposed by the west of the Ukrainian conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

Lavrov told the media after holding talks with Indonesian partner Jaishankar that Russia was ready to supply goods to be bought by India, and that both parties would look for ways to avoid “illegal and unilateral sanctions” from the West, including for supply of military hardware .

His statement came a day after our representative of the National Security Advisor Daleep Singh said there would be consequences for countries that strive to avoid western sanctions on the invasion of Ukraine. Singh also said the US did not want to see “fast acceleration” in Indian imports from Russian energy and other commodities.

Lavrov flew to India from China shortly after Daleep Singh concluded his talks with the opponent of India about the fall of the Ukrainian crisis and extensive sanctions imposed by the US and his partners to squeeze the Russian leadership and financial system.

Responding to several questions about the possibility of India and Russia turned to the rupee trade to go around sanctions, Lavrov said Russia began to move from using dollars and euros to use a larger national currency in dealing with India, China and other countries many years ago years ago .

“In this circumstances, this trend, I believe, will be intensified, which is natural and clear,” he said. “We don’t want to depend on the system that will be closed anytime and we don’t want to depend on the system that the master can steal your money overnight,” he added.

Referring to Russia which is closed from the community for financial telecommunications between banks around the world or fast banking system, Lavrov said his country began developing a national payment system for years “when the nature of our Western partners, which is completely unreliable, becomes clearer, becoming clearer The clearer, becomes clearer. “.

He added, “In Russia, the central bank, several years ago established a financial information communication system. India has a similar system, which is called Rupay and it is very clear that the more transactions will be carried out through this system using the national currency, bypass dollars , Euro and other currencies that are proven fully unreliable. “

The person who is familiar with the problem says both parties are maintaining their trade to the third currency given the recent ruble volatility and using banks which are mostly outside the international financial system. The system to make payments for military equipment is also available, said people.

Asked about Moscow offering oil at a discount price, Lavrov said Russia would be ready to supply “whatever items you want to buy”. This includes oil equipment and high-tech items. “If India wants to buy anything from us, we are ready to discuss and achieve a form of cooperation that can be accepted together,” he said.

The solution for payments was carried out by both parties also related to “military-technical cooperation”, he said, without getting into the details of certain defense agreements.

India has wanted to ensure that the Ukrainian crisis and sanctions did not affect the supply of spare parts for a large number of Soviet and Russian military hardware used by the armed forces, or weaponry delivery such as the S-400 air defense system.

The post The day after, Russia’s Sergey Lavrov Spotlights alternative mechanisms to cut sanctions first appeared on TheDivineMantra.

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