I’ve been reading posts about hellebores for a while now, so as the sun was shining, I thought I’d pop out to the garden to see how mine were coming along. And alas, in what is now becoming an annual event, the squirrel has got there before me. How do I know it was a squirrel I hear you ask? Well, last year I saw one merrily munching away at these darkest of buds one morning as I sat down to munch away at my own breakfast.
I’ve got to hand it to him (her) though. He (she) does have good taste, with this particular bloom being one of my favourites too.

My helleborus niger is yet untouched and I’m hoping (against hope!) for great things as the whole plant starts to unfurl.

On a more positive note, my Sarcococca hookeriana is blasting out the most gorgeous of winter scents, and (just about) making up for the loss of my hellebore blooms.
So, already, success and failure in 2013. Looking forward to the year ahead!