Business Magazine

The Daily Roundup for 7-1-16

Posted on the 02 July 2016 by Worldwide @thedomains

Welcome to the Daily Roundup a look back at the day that was in domains and other tech.

Google Caught Up In Twitter Debate Over Infringing Domain Links reported:

Daily Roundup 7-1-16
Daily Roundup 7-1-16

Google’s Senior Copyright Counsel, Fred Von Lohmann was caught up in a Twitter debate over how the search giant deals with infringing domain links.It all started yesterday, when a TorrentFreak article was circulating social media platforms and made an appearance on Twitter. The article discussed the MPAA’s deal with the Donuts registry and how this impacted The deal ultimately led to the domain being disabled.

UDRP filed on a Domain that probably cost one penny registered last month, has had a UDRP filed against the registrant. There are several trademarks on the term.

NBC Registers

In February, posted that NBC and USA Network are in talks with the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills for a tv show. registered by Mark Monitor

The client looks to be E.W. Scripps and I found the use for the domain will be a podcast on

Fake The Nation

with Negin Farsad

Hosted by Negin Farsad, Fake the Nation is all the comedy about politics without any of the politics about politics. Every week Negin and a cast of her funniest, smartest and most politically astute friends (John Fugelsang, Lizz Winstead, Dean Obeidallah and others) gather ‘round the political roundtable to break down the news, make you laugh, think, and deliver a gut punch to the American political system.

Apple in talks to buy Tidal

Gavin O’Malley from reported:

Apple is reportedly in talks to buy Jay Z’s music-streaming service Tidal. Swedish company Aspiro sold Tidal to the Brooklyn-born music mogul for $56 million last year.

Hardly a done deal, negotiations are “ongoing,” as sources tell The Wall Street Journal.

For Apple, the news is another sign of desperation as hardware sales stall, and rivals invest heavily in content platforms, virtual assistants, AI, and other technologies that are together shaping the next generation of mobile devices.

The most interesting recently expired name of the day registered since 2009. Have a good one

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