Justin Quayle a low level British diplomat posted in Kenya is attempting to uncover the mystery behind the murder of his wife which leads to big business and corporate corruption.
Following Tessa's death, she was found dead along with her Kenyan driver. Her colleague Dr Arnold Bluhm was suspected of her murder but he was also murdered on the same day! Rumours were that the two were having an affair but a later revelation squashed that, revealing that Bluhm was actually gay. We are then shown through flashbacks the story fo the relationship between Justin and Tessa, all the way back to how they met.
The story manages to show how easily it could be for someone you think you know everything about to actually keep things hidden from you. It must have been extremely tough for Justin to learn the real reason that Tessa actually approached him the day they met and wanted to go to Kenya with him, it would cause so much doubt to whether she really loved him or not. The way we are shown ins that she does, but everything that unfolds creates so much doubt not only for Justin but for us the viewer as well. We feel for Justin and don't get the full story all at once so find it easy to not trust anything we are shown from Tessa.
Managing to have a good balance between the thrilling suspense of why Tessa was murdered and how interfering with drug cooperations is not a bright move at all. Something Justin would also find out the hard way when attempting to find out who was behind his wife's death. The performances in the film were very impressive with Ralph Fiennes being outstanding in the leading role and Rachel Weisz picking up an Oscar for an Actress in a Supporting Role and I can now fully appreciate why she won an Oscar for this film. Fiennes really does seem to be able to do any type of role and I felt his passion came across so well in this one. A rather nice surprise was Bill Nighy, as I didn't actually realise he was in this film.