Computing Magazine

The Computer Will Run and My Bird Will Fly…

Posted on the 09 May 2013 by Pixelnoizz @pizelnoizz


When i have been begining to develop my birds and creatures, i did not think about the physical aspects of my work. Maybe i was waiting to a small “push”. But i got this support soon, from a fantastic curator, Nora O’Murchú. She invited me to exhibit on the show called “Run Computer Run” which takes place in Dublin.

here is a small text about the idea behind my work:

Creatures Creatures were created two years ago from artifacts. Creatures with human or animal-like outfit, though they are nothing else but well structured artifacts.

 Artifact The notion has multiple meanings. In my case it is interpreted as a technological and an archeological notion. All my artifacts are based on a collection of virtual errors. If these errors are rearranged, new forms are expected to be resulted, that could be considered as byproducts. The new forms are created by a human (by me), however, through a technological process. Due to their human or animal-like forms those humans who are watching them, are guided back to the real world. (This is the archeological aspect of the artifact.)

 Technology My technology is based on code, nodes, virtual digital technology. Usually I experiment with controllable random forms, i.e. with random artifacts. The result of the virtual digital technology will be always a computer artifact (digitally printed or screened two dimensional surface). To step forward (toward the state of the archeological artifact), this dimension should be left behind.

 Hello World This is the exit from the virtual world. There are many possible ways of becoming real: real can be experienced physically, measured in a real space with its dimension, surface, colour, shadow, reflection, odor, or touch. An automatized, “without human process” way (3D printer for example) could be used, too, but it doesn’t lead to an artifact in its archeological sense. What is need is to use my senses, hands and skills to form or shape the object (based on the computer’s artifact).

  Object This is the final result, made of material (stuff), built by me, hanging there as a bird (hanging as the gravity effects it). The object is exposed to light, inducing shadows. It is there, it is real, it is transubstantiated into an archeological artifact. The form is completely figurative.


this is the first sketch, the installation right now under realisation, i will post few images soon…



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