Current Magazine

The Clue is in the Word "out" You Ditz

Posted on the 20 August 2013 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth
From City AMRETAIL expert Mary Portas yesterday accused the government of lacking "joined up thinking" and said it needs to introduce a clear strategy to secure the future of Britain's high streets.  Portas, who was tasked by David Cameron two years ago with reviewing the country's ailing town centres, also criticised communities secretary Eric Pickles for allowing an 82,000 square foot supermarket to be built on the seafront at Margate, a Portas Pilot town.  In an interview with Channel 5 news, Portas said: "We need some clear policies or planning. We cannot have a high street first policy, with the government saying 'Yes, we believe in it' and then have the Secretary of State signing off out of town retail. That doesn't work."  She gets another minus point for this bit of drivel: Portas also pointed out that rates being paid by some businesses on high street were "beyond ridiculous" and needed to be addressed for new businesses to be able to open.  If there were no such thing as discounts for empty properties, charities etc and Business Rates were payable whatever happens, then clearly, the rates have no negative impact on actual live businesses and would not affect the total occupancy costs (rent + rates).

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