Sometimes life’s most magical journeys bring you back to where it all began…From USA Today bestselling author Emily March comes The Christmas Wishing Tree, an enchanting account of the magic and miracle of Christmas.
Eternity Springs (Volume 6)
Emily March
St. Martin's Paperbacks
Chapter One
Christmas carols played softly in the background. The scent of spiced cider perfumed the air. Shoppers munched happily on gingerbread cookies and perused the bookshelves for that perfect gift.
Dr. Jenna Stockton imagined ripping the halo off the angel’s head and choking her with it. Instead, she reached deep within herself for patience and managed to find a smile for the costumed character behind the bookstore counter. “If I could speak with your manager, please?”
“She’s awfully busy.”
Jenna thought of the ridiculous length of her own to-do list as she fought to keep her smile from turning into a sneer. “Yes, well, it’s that time of year, isn’t it? Your manager?”
The little angel gave a haughty sniff, and then said, “If you’ll step out of line, please?”
Without missing a beat, the angel turned a bright smile toward the woman waiting behind Jenna. “I’m sosorry for this unfortunate delay, ma’am. I’ll be as quick as I possibly can.”
Jenna didn’t snarl like a rabid dog. She didn’t. She smiled at the woman behind her in line. Sweetly. Without canines.
The woman and the four people behind her each gave Jenna an annoyed glower. She gave them all a smile too, then reached for the nearest book, which she pretended to read until the clerk returned, accompanied by a fiftysomething woman dressed like an elf. The angel gestured toward Jenna and said, “This is the one, Ms. Thomas.”
The elf spoke in a harried tone. “May I help you?”
“I hope so.” Especially considering that I went out of my way to support a local business rather than ordering online. Jenna set down the paperback. “I placed a special order two weeks ago and someone from this store called me last week to tell me it was in. However, your … angel … can’t find it in your computer system, so she insists I’m mistaken.”
“Do you have your receipt?”
“Not with me, no.”
“Well, if you’ll come back—”
“I don’t have time to come back. I ordered the books for an event that begins”—Jenna checked her watch—“in forty-five minutes. I’d like you to check your stock room. My name is Jenna Stockton.”
“Ms. Stockton, I can’t—”
“I ordered thirty copies of New Adventures in the Christmas Angel Waiting Room.”
“Oh.” The manager pursed her lips. “Oh. I recall that order.”
Then the manager winced. Uh-oh. Maybe not so good. Jenna drew a deep, calming breath, then asked, “If you will get it for me, please?”
“Oh dear.”
Jenna closed her eyes.
“I’m afraid we had some internal miscommunication. We sold out of our stock of that particular title and an employee unfortunately failed to notice the hold notice on your order. She put them on the shelf.”
“How many are left?”
“It’s a popular title,” the manager hedged.
Jenna leaned forward. “The books are for pediatric cancer patients at Children’s Hospital. The Christmas party is at four o’clock.”
“Oh dear,” the manager repeated. “Four o’clock you say?”
Jenna nodded curtly.
“I’ll call our distributor. If you can stop back by—”
“You’ll need to deliver them directly to the hospital. To the attention of Dr. Jenna Stockton.” She removed a card from her purse and handed it to the manager. “Here’s the address. Take them to the information desk in the lobby. I’ll tell the volunteers working there to expect them.”
“But we don’t have a delivery—”
Jenna folded her arms and gave the manager her best take-no-prisoners look.
“I’ll do my best to have them there by four, Dr. Stockton. I apologize for the inconvenience. Now, is there anything else I can help you with? I saw you looking at the new Liza Holcomb thriller.” She picked up the book and handed it to Jenna. “It’s a fabulous book. Scariest stalker story I’ve read in years.”
Jenna quickly returned the book to the display table. A stalker story? That was all she needed. “No, thank you. All I need today is what I ordered. Thank you for the help. You have my phone number. I trust if there is any further problem, you will give me an immediate call?”
“Yes. Of course.”
“Perfect. Merry Christmas, Ms. Thomas.”
“Merry Christmas to you too, Dr. Stockton.” The manager gave her a bright smile that didn’t quite hide the worry in her eyes.
Jenna headed for the door, glancing over her shoulder before pushing it open. The elf was on the phone, the angel had been replaced at the register by a reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman was on hands and knees beside the urn of mulled cider wiping up a spill. She sighed. Angels with attitude aside, she liked this little store. She really hoped they didn’t let her and the children down.
Outside, the jangle from the Salvation Army bell ringer mingled with the shrieks and laughter of children embroiled in a snowball fight in the park across the street. Jenna tugged leather gloves from her coat pocket and pulled them on as she walked to the street corner and waited for the light to change. Her gaze drifted back to the snowball warriors. It did her heart good to see healthy, happy children playing, especially after a morning like this one.
When the walk signal flashed on, she crossed the street and cut through the park headed for her car, which she’d left in a lot a block away. Her thoughts returned to her to-do list. She could save a few minutes if she bought cookies at the grocery store instead of making the extra stop at the bakery before picking up Reilly from daycare. But she’d promised Reilly a gingerbread man from—
Something cold and wet stung her cheek. What in the world? Reflexively, Jenna lifted her hand to her face and the remnants of … a snowball. She’d been hit with a snowball. Had the battlefield moved without her noticing and she’d been struck by an errant shot? Or had the attack been deliberate? If that was the case, one of these heathens was about to get a piece of her mind.
But when she turned to identify the culprit seconds after the snowball landed, her gaze skidded over a group of youngsters to an adult standing nearby. The pockets of a black wool coat concealed the man’s hands. A black knit cap pulled low on his brow and the matching scarf looped around his face shielded everything but his eyes.
Eyes that watched her.
A shiver of fear skidded down Jenna’s spine. She whirled around and picked up her pace. By the time she reached her car, she was all but running. She thumbed the key fob and unlocked the door as she approached, then locked it again the moment she was inside. She sat behind the steering wheel breathing hard, her heart pounding. Her gaze locked on the path through the park.
Nobody had followed her. Chased her. She’d let her imagination run wild.
“You didn’t imagine the face full of snow,” she muttered.
She should call the cops. File a report.
Sure. Be one of “those people.” Tie up a law enforcement officer’s time over a child’s prank. Because surely, that’s all it had been. One of those kids probably threw the snowball, and the guy dressed in black probably saw it as it flew by. He’d watched her to see if she’d pitch a fit about it.
She slipped her key into the ignition, started the car, and did her best to dismiss the incident. Forty minutes later—after stops at the dry cleaners, grocery, bakery, and party store—she made it back to the office in time for her one-thirty appointment with five minutes to spare. If she’d checked her rearview mirror more often than usual and paid close attention to those around her as she completed her errands, well, she was simply being responsible.
Whenever she had a few free minutes during the rest of the afternoon, her thoughts drifted back to the troubling events of recent months. The harassment had begun in October, although for the first few weeks, she hadn’t recognized the threat. Everyone got hang-up calls. She explained away the texts as wrong numbers. But once online orders she hadn’t placed began showing up on her doorstep, she realized she had a problem.
She’d thought she’d been a victim of identity theft. She’d spent an entire weekend canceling cards and changing accounts. Then last week when a particularly difficult case kept her at the hospital until early morning hours, she came out to the physician’s section of the parking garage and found the air had been released from each of her tires.
Random vandalism, the police said. Teenage pranks. Jenna wasn’t so certain, but she didn’t know who would be doing this to her or why.
As she exited Exam Room 4, her receptionist met her with the news that her three o’clock was a no-show, which meant she was done for the day. Jenna tucked away her dark worries and turned her thoughts to the light and bright. Now she’d have time to pick up Reilly from school rather than have his after-school caregiver drop him off at the hospital.
Luck was with her for a change because a parking place became available just as she pulled up. As she got out of her car, a bell rang, and the door to the kindergarten classroom opened. Reilly was the third youngster out.
“Mom!” exclaimed her six-year-old son. “You’re here! It’s time for the Christmas party, isn’t it? Is it time for the party? Is Santa going to be there? I have my list all ready.”
“Hello, little man. Yes, it’s time for the Christmas party and yes, Santa has promised to make an appearance.”
“I’m so excited!”
“Me too, Reilly. Me too.”
She’d been trying to make the Santa visit happen for two weeks now. Because kids grew up so fast these days, she knew that this might be the last year that Reilly believed in Santa Claus. Jenna had wanted to make it a special event for them both.
For the initial effort, she had planned an all-day Saturday holiday adventure beginning with breakfast at a pancake house, followed by shopping for gifts for Reilly’s friends, then a matinee performance of Rudolphat the children’s theater, and culminating with a visit to Santa’s Wonderland and a conversation with the big man himself. They’d had a great time eating and shopping and watching the play, but as they left the theater, her pager had gone off. She’d tried again the following Saturday with a different itinerary, but with similar Santa results. She and Reilly both were counting on “The third time is the charm” axiom working today.
Arriving at the hospital, she took advantage of valet parking due to the amount of party supplies she had to tote inside. She loaded up a collapsible wheeled cart with gifts and decorations and bakery boxes, then Reilly helped her tug it inside, where she approached the information desk with trepidation. “I’m Dr. Stockton. Do I have a package waiting, I hope?”
“Books,” the volunteer said. “Yes, they’re here.”
She reached beneath the counter then pulled out a box. Jenna spied twice as many gift-wrapped items as she’d expected. The folded note taped to the front of the box read, “Your complete order is enclosed. In addition, please accept these thirty copies of the first book in the Christmas Angel Waiting Room series as a gift to the children from the staff here at Hawthorne Books.”
“Well, isn’t that nice?” Jenna murmured.
“Isn’t what nice, Mom?”
“The Christmas spirit.”
He nodded in all seriousness. “I love the Christmas spirit. I wish it could last all year long.”
“You and me both, little man. You and me both.”
The Christmas party that followed was a bittersweet success. Local and a few national celebrities showed up to shower attention and gifts and good cheer on the patients of Children’s Hospital and their families. It was always nice to see the smiles, but invariably, tears were shed too. The what-ifs and if-onlys were unavoidable. Hospital events always caused Jenna to hug Reilly a little tighter and spend a little more time on her nightly prayers.
The books Jenna gifted were well received by parents and patients alike. Reilly finally had his visit with Santa, and Jenna shed a tear or two of her own while she snapped photos of the moment with her phone.
In the car ride on their way home, Reilly bubbled about the party—the food, the games, the gifts. “There were a lot of dads there,” he observed. “Did you see, Mom? There were a whole bunch of dads.”
“Yes.” Then, in an effort to alter the direction of the conversation, she said, “I was surprised to see how many football players attended. How many autographs did you get?”
“I don’t know,” Reilly answered with a shrug before proving that he was not to be distracted. “I thought Dr. David would be there. Why didn’t Dr. David come?”
Oh, Reilly. Dr. David Henderson was Reilly’s pediatrician, a widowed father whom she’d dated briefly last summer. “I told you he moved back to Minnesota to be closer to Bella and Jessie’s grandparents. Dr. Larimer is your new doctor.”
Reilly gave a long sigh. “I pretended I forgot. I thought he would make a really good daddy for us, Mom.”
“Oh, Reilly.”
“We really do need a daddy.”
“Reilly,” Jenna said, warning in her tone. “Please. It’s been a long day. Let’s not get started on that subject again.”
“But, Mommy…”
She silenced him with a stern glance. Her son could be a terrier when he got an idea in his head, and lately, every time she turned around, he’d been yipping and yapping about needing a daddy.
How about I just order one online? Everything else was showing up at the house. She’d certainly have more use for a daddy for Reilly than a yodeling pickle electronic noisemaker.
She switched on the radio, which was tuned to the Christmas music station. Listening to Alvin and the Chipmunks hope that Christmas wouldn’t be late wasn’t much better than the yodeling pickle. However, the music did manage to distract Reilly, who sang along the rest of the way home, so she wasn’t about to complain.
Her son helped her unload the car, and then he dashed about the house turning on the lights of all of their Christmas decorations while Jenna sorted through the mail. One envelope in particular caught her notice. Whitewater Adventure Rafting on the Snake River? Her stomach took a sick little flip.
Dread filled her as she stared down at the envelope addressed to JENNA M. STOCKTON, MD.
This was coincidence, surely. Just bad timing of an advertisement that probably went to everyone in her zip code.
She slid the letter opener blade beneath the envelope flap and removed the folded paper.
A reservation for one. Paid in full. January 23rd at 10:00 a.m.
She dropped the paper as if it were on fire. Her hands trembled. Her heart pounded.
Her always-adventuring parents had drowned in a whitewater rafting accident seven years earlier … on January 23.
“Mom, can we read a story?”
Jenna saw her son standing in the doorway with his stuffed Rudolph beneath his arm. His request was a life preserver tossed to a drowning person. “Absolutely. I have a new book for us.”
Because she wasn’t on call tonight and she had no patients she suspected of being in imminent need of her services, she poured herself a glass of wine, traded her shoes for slippers, and settled into the overstuffed easy chair in the family room with the copy of The New Adventures in the Christmas Angel Waiting Room that she’d reserved for her own family. “In my lap, little man.”
He bounded over to her, his face alight with joy.
Story time was special for them both. She’d finished the first book and allowed herself to be talked into reading a second and a third. They were negotiating a fourth when she answered the doorbell to a pizza delivery she had not ordered.
By nine thirty, her doorbell had chimed eleven more times with deliveries of eleven more cheese and mushroom pizzas. Jenna was allergic to mushrooms.
At nine forty-five she called the police.
Copyright © 2018 by Emily March in The Christmas Wishing Tree and reprinted with permission from St. Martin’s Paperbacks.
The Christmas Wishing Tree
Q: Why do you love Christmas, first of all? What kind of feelings inspire to you?
A: I love Christmas because the season is centered around things that are important to me—family, tradition, my religion. I’m one of those people who sets my radio on the Christmas station right after Thanksgiving and I don’t change it. Some of my favorite memories of my childhood and my children’s childhoods center around Christmas. I’m enjoying making similar memories with my grandsons nowadays.
Q: What kind of memories do you treasure of your Christmas when you were a child?
A: I grew up in a lower middle class home. My mother was a stay-at-home mom, but at Christmas she worked in a local department store in the gift wrapping department and used her paychecks to pay for Christmas. When I got old enough, I worked a few seasons there with her. I remember the excitement of Christmas Eve working so hard to get all the packages wrapped for customers so that we could go home and begin our traditional Christmas celebrations. My mom has been gone for five years now, but every time I wrap a package, I think of her. Now THAT’S a gift! (Plus, I can wrap a gorgeous box myself.)Q: Can you described us your typical Christmas growing up? What you ate, if you went to the mass, if you spent Christmas with all your family. The favorite gift received that you are still treasuring.
A: We usually went to midnight mass, then came home and unwrapped one package. ONE. Except the year my dad got carried away and we opened everything under the tree. He was more of a little kid than any of his five children! I was disappointed Christmas morning, so I never did that again.
Favorite gift? Well, with five kids, my parents watched their pennies. We did not receive extravagant gifts. But when I was in seventh grade, I played on the school tennis team. That year my parents gave me the tennis racket I’d dreamed of owning but never asked for because I knew it was beyond their means. I’ll never forget my joy upon opening it. Q: Do you think that Christmas is in grade to produce miracles in people?
Well, Celeste Blessing would say that people have miracles inside them all year round.
Q: What’s your favorite scene in The Christmas Wishing Tree?A: I think when Reilly first calls Santa. Devin is such a sweetheart of a hero.
Q: What inspired your latest release?
A: My ideas come from lots of different places. My idea for THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE came when I read the true story of how the NORAD Santa Tracker came into being back in the 1950’s. It’s such a sweet story that I knew it was perfect to adapt for Eternity Springs.
Q: What are you currently working on?
A:I’m finishing up the next Eternity Springs book titled JACKSON, which is the first of a new family trilogy set inside the Eternity Springs world. We’re going to visit a new locale, Enchanted Canyon, which is deep in the heart of my home—the Hill Country of Texas. JACKSON is due out next summer.
Q: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?
A: When I’m serious about diving into the story, I listen to movie soundtracks and lock myself off the internet. I usually begin each writing day with music from Dragonheart and I always finish a book to The Last of the Mohicans.
Q: Did you have to do a lot of research for this book or any other? If so do you have a fascinating fact that you have learned you would like to share with us?
A: At this point my Eternity Springs world is so well established that I don’t need to do a lot of research for the setting—except for checking my town map to find out exactly where I put particular shops or houses. I do research any plot line information I need. For THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE I did a lot of research about doxing and swatting. I also try to visit any actual places I’m writing about. For instance, while I’ve visited Nashville in the past, I went again last Christmas in order to get the feel of the city during the season.
Q: Is there a genre you haven't written that you would like to try?
A: I’m a thriller reader, so I’d love to try my hand at one of those one day. I also have an idea for a women’s fiction novel that I want to write as soon as I can fit it into my schedule.
Q:How do you celebrate release day?
A: Ordinarily, we pop the cork on a bottle of champagne and have a nice dinner with something chocolate for dessert. This time, though, I am officially on the wagon as part of my wedding diet. My only daughter is getting married in February and I’m determined to be twenty pounds lighter.It’s my Christmas Wish. :)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March is a 2018 St. Martin’s Press publication.
Devin Murphy’s heart is torn between Eternity Springs, where his family lives, and the adventure of the open sea. Returning to Eternity Springs from Australia for the holidays, he receives a phone call from a young boy who thought he was calling Santa. Devin goes along, thinking the call was a one off. But, the kid sort of got to him, because instead the hottest toy or gadget, this kid is asking for a daddy.
Jenna Stockton adopted Reilly and although she works a lot, she’s a great mom. But, when she acquires a stalker, she must protect her son at all cost. To that end, she : up and heads to Eternity Springs. But, amazingly, Reilly’s ‘Santa’ happens to be there, too, and he’s the sexiest Santa Jenna has ever laid eyes on. Once Devin realizes the danger Jenna and Reilly are in, he offers to help discover who the stalker is, so she can finally have her life back. His offer is tempting, but being close to him tempts in ways she doesn’t want to think about…
I say this every year, but it bears repeating. I always bite off more than I can chew when selecting my holiday themed novels for the Christmas season. I want to read all the new ones and re-read old favorites, and never manage to get them all read before we ring in the new year. (And sometimes I over indulge to the point of burning out on Ho Ho Ho’s!) But, no matter what, I always make a concerted effort to read the annual Eternity Springs holiday romance by Emily March.
This story has a very slight edge to it because of the stalker Jenna is on the run from, but mostly this is a terrific story that captures the spirit of Eternity Spring- especially during the magical holiday season. I loved this story because Reilly is a great kid, with interest beyond video games and iPads, who wants something on an emotional level, instead of a materialistic level. I’d say Jenna was a super cool mom despite some critical remarks on her parenting skills at the beginning of the book.
I also liked Devin, who was true to himself, but adult enough to realize he doesn’t have to be one dimensional or pigeonholed. Jenna’s love for Reilly, and her level-headed parenting scored points for me. I loved the way Devin and Jenna showed firmness, but sensitivity to Reilly, and the way they made concessions, working out ways to live their individual dreams and still share a life together.
Once again, Eternity Springs works its special magic and brings two awesome people together, with the help of a super cool ‘Santa’, who eventually comes through, granting a little boy his most fervent Christmas wish.
Overall, this book would be a great way to kick-start your holiday reading. It is heartwarming, with a hint of magic, and loads of charm, and a truly awesome love story. You’ll be dreaming of snowfall and Christmas trees…. And sexy Santas!!
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