A year ago April, Busch Gardens in Tampa received a 6-week old abandoned male cheetah. Not wanting to raise the cheetah as an 'only child,' the Gardens adopted a 12- week old female Labrador Retriever from a local shelter as a companion for the cheetah. This sounds like the oddest of couples....
But a year later, this odd couple are the best of friends. Named on Facebook, Kasi (the cheetah) and Mtani (the lab) are better friends than any two real siblings might hope to become.

Staff at the Busch Garden watched closely over these unlikely siblings, giving them the utmost attention to insure they made good pals. Cheetahs, like dogs, form friendships for life, although there probably are not many cheetah-dog pairs in the world.
I don't think you can train a pair of animals to look at each other like this, do you? I think it was love at first sight.
via Global Animal