One of my friends keeps telling me that she cannot wait for me to write and publish another book.
She loved the two I wrote and published years ago.
The thing about us true writers, though, is that we must wait until the energy comes upon us to make that move.
We do not just come up with the material/information instantly the material and information in detailing whatever it is that we are going to write and how we will proceed within our creative process has to materialize upon us when it is ready to reveal itself to us.
Then we can instantly and automatically vibe into the essence of our projects.
That natural energetic direction puts us into mode while it instinctively guides and provides us with stimulation.
This is why I do not rush and try to make myself come up with an idea that does not manifest, because the timing may not be right and things may not work out accordingly, just as I do with blogging. The information or ideas will naturally come to write itself.
This is how it happened when I published my very first novel along with the second one.
The ideas came to me spontaneously and the books wrote themselves and everything was successful in completion and timing.
I have an unpublished manuscript that I had copywritten twenty years ago. I am planning to work on getting this material published next until I get inspired to write and publish more books when they are meant to be.
I know one of the things I was put on this earth to do is write so when the urge hits I will be a willing vessel and participant to comply with continuing to do what I love and enjoy doing.