The business of #ContentCuratorship
" class="alignleft wp-image-9897" data-recalc-dims="1" /> One of the buzzwords of the moments is Content Curatorship. Question is what is in this term? The general definition of content curatorship is the process of collecting, organizing and presenting (representing) information on a particular subject. In this digital age, information consumption is the lifeblood of society. Therefore only those who package commonly available content in a spellbinding manner will arrest the attention of the market. Curators have a proclivity of dealing with heritage material, in other words mainly old subject matter, there is however an element of digital content curatorship that involves trends forecasting.For example the recent Facebook acquisition of Oculus Rift VR (a virtual reality 3D gaming technology company) curators such as Mark Zuckerburg (yes I have qualified him based on the definition of the term) are predicting that based on history it can be said that every 10-15 yrs there comes along a new platform of choice. At the moment that platform is mobile but apparently virtual reality is next step. When considering Google’s steps in pioneering the virtual reality glasses, then it’s pretty good prediction to say VR is the future.
Having a more local take on the matter of content curatorship, I believe the Timbuktu_Manuscripts in Mali, where a wealth of content about Africa’s medieval learning in the areas of science, philosophy, art and medicine – was kept can be preserved for future generations. This can be achieved through digital archiving. It is a safer notion to ponder on content stored on a cloud, far away from risks such as flooding & burning as it has transpired previously in Timbuktu.
A pioneering project in recent time on the subject of content curatorship would be the collaboration between Google SA and the Nelson Mandela Foundation on the Center of Memory digital archives initiative. Through digitizing the human triumph story of how one man stood up for his beliefs and went on to change the course of history. Archives on Mandela’s life have been collected, packaged and made accessible through the channel of a website: nelsonmandela.org.
Many digital agencies are mentioning curatorship as one of their services under the umbrella on content marketing, and it is going to be interesting to see how a phenomenon such as the Internet and how it has revolutionized lives in the timeline of the past 25yrs will be spoken about. Even more realistically, it will be remarkable how curatorship will become a revenue source for agencies as they apply solution to clients on business cases.
We as eNitiate also offer content curation and I am inviting to our newly launched site: www.enitiate.co.za you will be much enlightened about the scientific art of digital content curation.
See the video:
Digital Archives _Nelson Mandela