I posted this on my martial arts blog, Jissen Budōka, but decided to re-post here.
I recently found myself asking, “What if only 10% of budō is teachable?”
If that were the case, someone who was close to having all of the pieces that could be taught would think themselves a master–even if they were largely ignorant of the other 90%.
Such an individual would be like a fish in a fishbowl, thinking that there was nothing but emptiness above the waterline.
He would be like primitive man, thinking the stars were but pinpricks painted on a dome.
Or, in all likelihood, like the modern man who thinks that if we can just reconcile a couple sciencey bits–maybe experimentally validate string theory– that our picture of the universe would be complete.
Tags: martial arts, teaching, Wisdom
By B Gourley in martial arts, wisdom on March 7, 2013.