The Book of Mirrors by E.O. Chirovici
Published by Century
Expected publication 26 January 2017
336 pages
![The Book of Mirrors The Book of Mirrors](
When big-shot literary agent Peter Katz receives an unfinished manuscript entitled The Book of Mirrors, he is intrigued.
The author, Richard Flynn is writing a memoir about his time at Princeton in the late 80s, documenting his relationship with the famous Professor Joseph Wieder.
One night in 1987, Wieder was brutally murdered in his home and the case was never solved.
Peter Katz is hell-bent on getting to the bottom of what happened that night twenty-five years ago and is convinced the full manuscript will reveal who committed the violent crime.
But other people's recollections are dangerous weapons to play with, and this might be one memory that is best kept buried.
OPENINGI received the submission in January, when everybody at the agency was still trying to recover from the post-festive-season-hangovers.
WHAT I THOUGHTI had a good time reading The Book of Mirrors. This is one of those books filled with twists and turns that leads you in five hundred different directions until you don't know where the hell you are or where you're going. I love books like that, that confuse you and make you scratch your head wondering what's going on. There's something I really like about the prose in The Book of Mirrors. The language is flows easily and is engaging. The whole time I felt like a good friend was telling me a very crazy story over tea and muffins. This is the kind of book that sucks you in, holds you tight and doesn't let go until you've reached the end. This is a very original and interesting murder mystery. I think this is the first time I've read a novel-within-a-novel structure and it works really well. I liked the fact each section of the novel is from a different point of view. I really enjoyed this.
![Book Mirrors](
![The Book of Mirrors The Book of Mirrors](
I'm thirty-five years old and live in Glasgow in the UK with my partner of ten years. I work in a support team for a call centre. I like reading especially Joyce Carol Oates and Stephen King. I write fiction and poetry. I enjoy watching TV (Grimm, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Lip Service, The L Word etc). I like to play video games and am a fan of survival horror especially the Silent Hill franchise. I like to watch movies especially horror and anything where someone dies. View all posts by pamelascott30