Gardening Magazine

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

By Ozhene @papaver

Yes it's that time again when the plant that has caught my eye the most, been it's very best or perhaps has just made me happy by being, gets its just reward and recognition. It's the annual Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award (ta-da!!).

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

As ever the plants have no say in taking part in the competition, nor are they apprised of the rules (as there are none other than my blog my rules) and the decision is made in a totally subjective manner with no appeals allowed.

So where shall we start....... oh I know...

Runners up
The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

I started to plant Cyclamen coum into the garden from the first Spring that I lived here, over the last 17 years they have spread gently. They are particularly focussed in the Wild Garden as that is where I started them off but they now wander further down into the garden. I love their bright sparks of light that delight the Winter/Spring garden. This year they made me smile in January 2024 and they made me smile today so they deserve a mention.

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

Next up is Hellebore 'Also Ran'; bought and named by me from Ashwoods Nursery a few years ago. This hellebore was on the cheap 'these are not good enough to give a name to' table and I thought it was worth a punt. I have to admit it did very little for four years but in 2024 it flowered the best it had managed yet. So whilst it has required patience, it has repaid my trust in it..... just.

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

This lilac was planted in the front garden when I bought this house. It is quite big so I prune it down most years. Most years I do this at the wrong time of year and so it rarely flowers well. This year I checked and pruned it more in line with its needs and I was rewarded by flowers and scent. So well done lilac (or do I mean well done me?).

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

Houseplants have crept into this award under the guise of my blog my rules. This is Begonia schulzei elaeagnifolia that I bought from the Malvern Spring Festival earlier this year. She sits on the kitchen windowsill and has brought me a huge amount of joy this year. Plus I have kept her alive all year - so well done me again! (who's award is this??)

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

Talking houseplants, I have to give a mention to this cactus Cleistocactus coladmononis that I bought several years ago. This year it has flowered and it has been worth the wait.

Ok, time to get serious now: who are the top three ..?

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

Arbutilon vitifolium: the original plant was bought some years ago and I now have several more grown from seed. It seems very hardy and fills the garden with its pale mauveness in late May early June. It gets quite tall (very tall) and has fantastic seed heads too.

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

It responds well to pruning and I consider this shrub exceptionally garden-worthy.

and the winner is.....


(dramatic pause)

The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024
The Blackberry Garden Plant of the Year Award 2024

(get on with it!)

This rose had made me very happy and that is what has given it the pip into the first position.

Congratulations Rose John Gwilliam. I wonder who will take your place next year?

Previous winners can be found here

Take care and be kind.

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