I've finally chosen a subject for my PHD proposal, it's all very exciting (if you're a political nerd, or human rights law geek or cultural and religious differences nut like me!)
It's all going to be about how Islam is innately opposed to Western ideology and who's right and wrong and whether there is a right or wrong and even if one is 'better' than t'other, does that mean that the other one should be written out? You see?
It's possibly going to be a fight to the death, but I'm not planning on taking sides, just wiping the brows of each contender. Can I do that? I don't want to take sides particularly, because everybody loves to support the underdog and I think that Islam is the underdog in this fight. But I believe in the merits of both sides and to be honest, I think that the West is the big bully trying to impose it's ideas and steal the lunch money all in one go. But I could be wrong! I guess after I've written 50,000 words on the subject I might have chosen a corner.
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The Big Fight - Can There Only Be One Winner?
Posted on the 03 September 2012 by Humanwriter @roseformanAuthor's Latest Articles
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