Here's the information for Kazakhstan for The Best TEFL Jobs in the World. If you know of any other good ones, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected]- Eurospeak in Almaty:
- NGL (Natural Gas) Plants: Depending on where you are in KZ you could get €3000 a month tax free. Rotational work is the norm, so one month on, then one month off. You might have to work 6-7 days per week though.
- Kazakh-British Technical University: Pay varies, but you can expect a decent salary, flights, accommodations, and 30 days vacation.
- Nazarbayev Intellectual School: You'll make $48-$60k usd a year, depending on where you are placed in KZ. Subject and EFL teachers are needed. You'll need at least a BA. Travel allowance ($5000-$6000), housing allowance $600-$1,100/month), and one time shipping allowance ($2000) are also provided.
- Nazarbayev University: They had a teaching fellow in EAP position through the University College London that was advertised on The pay was £30,000-£39,000 a year plus 25% expat allowance. BA plus EAP teaching qualification was required as well as teaching experience.
- Oil Companies: High salaries, often tax free. Food and accomodations may be paid for. Rotational work.