The 2018 edition of the Winter Olympic Games started on 9 February in PyeongChang, South Korea. It is the 23 rd time this event has been organized since it first started out in Chamonix, France in 1924. It is the second time that South Korea hosts the Winter Olympics and the second time the Olympics are held in the country since the 1988 Summer Olympics, which were organized in Seoul.
The Games will last until 25 February and will feature 102 events in 15 sports disciplines, which will include the newly added big air snowboarding, mass start speed skating, mixed doubles curling and mixed team alpine skiing.
In total, 2952 athletes from 92 National Olympic Committees will compete, and will include some countries that will have their first participation, namely of Ecuador, Eritrea, Kosovo, Malaysia, Nigeria and Singapore.
The preparation of the events was itself eventful and resulted in South Korea and North Korea agreeing to march together during the opening ceremony, and to field a unified women's hockey team and in Russia's ban as the result of an ongoing doping scandal. However, some Russian athletes were allowed to participate under the title "Olympic Athletes from Russia".

There was a lot in which one could find their inspiration in terms of shapes, colors and textures, and many incredible sartorial moments, with noteworthy fashions.
Of course, one of the most publicized moments was the shirtless Tongan man, but there was a lot to be seen besides him. Apparently, after his march, Pita Taufatofua said "I am from Tonga. We sailed across the Pacific. This is nothing."

From our point of view, the fashion gold medal goes to Korean opera singer Hwang Su-mi, who performed the Olympic anthem. Her look was memorable and truly impressive; we enjoyed the mix of old and new and the simplicity of the outfit's opulence.

The opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games are always a grandiose pageantry, a global celebration at its best and offers its spectators from the stadium and from all around the world an incredible show.
We're looking forward to the games as well as to the development of international relations, of which the Olympics are many times a reflection.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
The best Parade of Nations Outfits from the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in Rio de JaneiroP.S. What do you think of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang? Which sports are you most interested in? Which parade look did you like the best? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!