Hellow dear readers! This is the summary and our commentaries about the games that we saw on the second E3 day! This was the Nintendo Press Conference day. We warn you that this is our choice of the best things that you can’t miss about the E3 2011! We hope that you enjoy them and get a glimpse about the incoming games.
The event is divide between some main conferences and some minor backstage that we saw from Gametrailers channel. Lets start with our coverage of what you must see from the E3!
- Zelda’s 25 years Annyversary Opening: This is how the conference started, with a summary and some images of the Zelda’s games. Nintendo offer with the video a great musical match from the best tunes of this legendary saga, but let your eyes and ears be the witnesses of this good opening!
- Skyward Sword and concerts: The trailer for the next Zelda game is Skyward Sword. Miyamoto himself made the announcement, and told that it will be a series of concerts all over the world to commemorate the 25 years of Zelda, and cd soundtracks too, featuring the Original Soundtrack of Ocarina of Time and the concerts. With the release of Skyward Sword, there will be a Golden Wii remote Special edition, featuring Zelda. Here you can see the trailer and the picture of the remote.

- Mario Kart for 3DS: After all the Zelda’s stuff, they started with the release of some 3Ds news, the first one was Mario Kart for 3Ds, is a completely new game, with new race tracks and new features, like race under the water and hang gliding. Watch it for yourself!
- StarFox 64 for 3Ds: Wooo this is a great news, StarFox 64 is back! with a 3D feature. Now you can fly your starship with the buttons or just using the tilt and move the 3Ds to control it! looks very cool. One more thing.. the Multiplayer features use the 3Ds camera and mic and shows the faces of your enemy on the game.. watch how it works!
- Super Mario 3Ds: A brand new Mario, just for Nintendo 3Ds! Watch the trailer!
- Kid Icarus: Uprising for 3Ds: It’s the new game for Kid Icarus coming back to 3Ds, it will have multiplayer and some kind of Trading Cards Game with Augmented reality. Here is the announcement
- Luigi’s Mansion 2: A new Luigi’s Mansion! Looks quite fun !! Chasing ghost with the vacuum and on 3D!
- Pokedex: This this.. is a free nice new feature for Pokemon Black and White, but i let you know find on the video what this is all about. Ahh it has Augmented reality cards too!
- Wii U Announcement: And now.. the big news.. the new Nintendo Console.. the Wii U! watch its announcement and what the new controller can do ! Enjoy and don’t forget to share your thoughts about it!
- Wii U Processing and Rendering test: This is a movie demo of what is the power of the new Wii U, it is like Ps3 in our opinion! Maybe a little more powerful. What do you think? watch the video
- Darksiders 2 Wii U Launching game: This is gonna be the launch title for the Wii U. But we expect from the announcement that Batman: Arkham City, Ghost Recon Online, DiRT, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Metro: Last Light (sequel to Metro 2033), Tekken, and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge and many more will be added.
- Nintendo open his market: There was another series of trailers of games that are just coming out very soon, like Battlefield 3 and.. yes you read it right.. Battlefield 3 on a Nintendo Platform. The point is that Nintendo is going to offer some serious games too, and made an alliance with EA games for this. They show some videos about this games but later it was known that the videos were rendered on Xbox 360 and Ps3, not on the Wii U console. That is why we don’t put them here.. because we think is a fail, it was just a demo video.
Well this is all that we have for you by now.. i hope that you enjoy the best and presise info that we are delivering to you. But this is not over, we will be collecting some cool other news about the E3 about other games that were not on the main stage! Just an advance to that will be the artistic looking Journey for example.. stay tune, post your thoughts and commentaries about what you have seen here and remember.. if someone ask you “Where did you see the E3 compilation?! ahh.. emm it was OnThatPage!!”