In addition to my work on this blog, I also freelance for several publications. This month, I was asked to help curate the Holiday Gift Guide for the Fall 2017 issue of Dallas Hotel Magazine. It was hard work... all of that shopping! I hope that you enjoy our selections. Happy holidays!
Holiday Gift Guide
Dallas Hotel Magazine - Fall 2017 issue
The best thing about the holidays is that there’s no one way to do it right. Does your family open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Do you eat turkey or ham? Have a big holiday dinner or celebrate at lunch and then opt for a nap? Does you family go caroling around the neighborhood or make iced sugar cookies and Gingerbread houses? The holiday’s are always magical and full of fun traditions and the beautiful thing, is that every family has traditions that are uniquely yours. From high-tech gadgets to classic collectables, the options are endless when it comes to ways for you to shower your loved ones this holiday season. Dallas has a reputation for doing things BIG and the holidays are no exception. Look around the city and you’ll see this city is festively full of great shops and unique holiday gifts making it easy for you to make this holiday season one to remember. From ways to immortalize your pet to fashionable ways to keep track of your steps, incentive to learn a new instrument to the luxury of having a professional makeup artist pamper your on a regular basis - we’ve culled the options and are happy to spotlight a few of our favorite things to make your gift-giving a little easier this year. To view this publication online, visit https://issuu.com/dallashotelmagazine/docs/dhm_fallhol17_issuu