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The Best Dragon Ball Games Of All Time

Posted on the 11 December 2021 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

Dragon Ball games are some of the most popular video games ever made. They’ve been around for over two decades, and there have been a ton of them. Some are good; some aren’t so good. Some are just plain bad.

Don’t be confused between Dragon ball Games and Dragon Ball Anime Games, To help you out in your quest for dragon-based greatness, I have compiled a list of the essential Dragon Ball games, you need to have in your collection. These are what I consider the best Dragon Ball games of all time. Kindly read the complete article for a better knowledge of anime games news. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

The Legacy of Goku / The Legacy of Goku II:

The Legacy of Goku and its sequel The Legacy of Goku II were side-scrolling fighting games made by Atari for the Game Boy Advance. They feature almost every central character from the Saiyan Saga until Cell Games, with minor cameos from other characters like Trunks and Perfect Cell. Instead of making unique fighting systems for each character, these games have an extremely simplified fighting system where you only need to know two buttons.

Light Attack and Heavy Attack. This works well because it allows you to access your transformations quickly. The game is fun, but unfortunately, it’s extremely limited in what you can do. Once again, this is a tremendous arcade-style fighting experience that is meant to be played quickly and fun.

dragon ball z

Dragon Ball Z:

Supersonic Warriors 2 One of the best Dragon Ball Z games ever made is Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2. I use the word “game” loosely since they are essentially glorified cutscenes with some fighting in between, but these are some of the most epic dragon ball z moments ever put into one game. You will likely spend hours upon hours on this game to see all the different dragon ball z endings.

dragon ball z budokai

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3

This is another game that I would consider an all-time great dragon ball game. It’s Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3. This was the first dragon ball game on the PlayStation 2, and it set the tone for dragon ball games from then on. The graphics were excellent for the time, and they still hold up reasonably well today. The fighting system was also very well done, and it featured some of the most iconic dragon ball z moments in history.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Dragon Ball Xenoverse is one of the more recent Dragon Ball Z games that has been released, and it’s also one of the most famous dragon ball z games ever made. Xenoverse is a dragon ball game where you can create your own dragon ball z character and alter the dragon ball universe in some pretty significant ways.

Unfortunately, many people complain about Dragon Ball Xenoverse because it requires a constant internet connection, which makes playing on the go difficult. But despite these shortcomings, this is still one of the best Dragonball z games out there, thanks to all of its content and fun customization options.

Dragonball Evolution

Dragonball Evolution

I saved this for last because, quite frankly, I think that Dragonball Evolution sucks royally. It may be the worst dragon ball game ever made due to how shamelessly it rips off the movie of the same name. The game is a complete disaster, and I would recommend avoiding it at all costs.

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