When it's time to grocery shop for your German Shepherd, the seemingly endless aisles of dog food, upscale brands, and nutrition labels can be overwhelming.
We're putting those worries on a leash and helping you decide which option is best for your furry friend.
**Below, you'll find our more detailed reviews, but you can also click the links above to see current prices or read customer reviews on Amazon.Dog Food 101 For GSD Owners
There are three non-negotiables for every GSD diet: protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Some breeds of German Shepherd are allergic to chicken, beef or fish, so know your pet's allergies before making a decision. If they're allergy-free, one of those three should be the very first ingredient on your pup's breakfast, lunch, and dinner label.
Speaking of allergies, many German Shepherds are sensitive to wheat, corn, dairy, eggs, soy, potatoes and plant-based proteins so avoid food labels with high levels of the above ingredients.
Vegetable oil is a great source of healthy fat. For a dose of carbohydrates and whole grain, ingredients like rice, barley, and rolled oats are sure to satisfy. They're also easier on a dog's stomach than soy, wheat, and white corn.
While it's important for dogs to consume nutrients like protein and whole grain, figure out exactly what your GSD is allergic to before planning their next meal. It's better to replace fish with beef than have an emergency vet visit or a massive house cleanup.
We also recommend incorporating dry food into your dog's diet if she's been chomping on nothing but wet stuff. Dry food's hard and crunchy texture removes and prevents plaque buildup while strengthening your dog's jaw bone and mouth muscles.
Big Dogs Mean Big Stomachs
For large breeds like German Shepherds who seem to have the munchies 24/7, it's especially important to monitor your dog's food intake. Because of their insatiable appetites, German Shepherds are susceptible to overeating.
When pups aren't satisfied they keep eating, even if the additional food isn't providing them with the extra nutrients their bodies crave. Constant overeating can lead to weight gain, arthritis, and serious gastrointestinal problems.
To prevent overeating, choose a product rich in nutrients that fills up your dog's belly quickly and effectively.
Remember that buying a brand rich in proper nutrients typically means shooting for a pricier purchase. So stay away from the cheap choice because it's likely a bag filled with more fluff than fiber.
The Importance Of An Individualized Diet
The "correct" choice will always depend on your dog's specific nutritional needs.
While most vets recommend a healthy GSD consume between 1700 and 2200 calories per day, the specific amount depends on your dog's size and activity levels.
If your German Shepherd is particularly active or begins losing weight, aim for a higher caloric intake. On the flip side, if your dog doesn't love running and jumping and chasing, cut back on how frequently you fill her bowl so she's less likely to gain weight.
Many GSD owners also worry about bloat and how to relieve their dog of a stuffed stomach. Because German Shepherds are a large breed with deep chests, they're susceptible to constant bloating.
Bloating occurs when the stomach fills with gas and rapidly expands like a balloon. While it sounds like a harmless discomfort, bloating can lead to severe indigestion, lethargy, and poor circulation if left untreated.
To prevent bloating, ration your dog's food into two meals per day instead of one big pig out. Also, try and avoid elevated bowls that strain your dog's digestive process and, if possible, don't exercise her immediately after mealtime, or even within the hour.
If your dog's fighting off disease or battling an infection, bump up her vitamin intake. If your dog has an upset stomach, find foods with fiber. Whatever her need, consider a dog food formulated to fill that specific nutritional gap.
Avoiding Artificial Enemies
If you're especially worried about commercial brands with mystery ingredients and anonymous suppliers, or your dog has a lengthy list of food allergies, consider switching your pup to a homemade diet if you've got the time and resources to do so.
Check out these guidelines for making a homemade meal that's also rich in essential vitamins, proteins, and whole grains. We've also linked a video for step-by-step recipe tutorials.
Also remember that your GSD's meals should be approximately 50% to 70% protein. Some homemade chefs have an easier time fitting that ratio in without artificial flavoring or chemical fillers present in commercial brands.
Regardless of individual need, texture or caloric intake, be a health snob when you're pouring over those nutrition labels. Stay away from brands with unpronounceable ingredients and avoid anything containing "by-products".
Click here for more information on how to interpret doggie nutrition labels and choose the best brand for your pup.
5 Best Dog Food For German Shepherd You Shout Checkout
Ripping past the pretty packaging, we're narrowing down a list of our top five choices while digging into what makes each brand special.
**Below, you'll find our more detailed reviews, but you can also click the links above to see current prices or read customer reviews on Amazon.
The ultimate winner of this roundup is Orijen Original Dry Dog Food!
Reading Orijen's nutrition label is intoxicating for a health-nut. Filled with fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh turkey, chicken and fish meat, you understand what's going into your dog's body even if she doesn't
Orijen has the least amount of food fillers and a strong variety of recognizable ingredients in every bite, from eggs to dairy, fresh fruit to fish and poultry, Orijen satisfies every GSD's need for protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and antioxidants.
This core nutritional value prevents bloating, overeating, malnutrition, weight fluctuation and any other doggie issue that often arises from an improper diet.
Orijen also avoids corn and grain-based products that sometimes prompt allergic reactions.
Natural Ultramix came in a close second with excellent nutritional ratings and recognizable chunks of fruits and vegetables that mimic nourishing homemade meals.
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