
The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever

Posted on the 13 May 2020 by Thefoodellers

This is the best chocolate chip cookies recipe ever: a simple dough to make chocolate chip cookies that last and turn out perfectly every single time! The flavor and texture of these cookies are not comparable to any other cookies recipe out there, trust me.

If cookies are your obsession, you know how rare it is to find a foolproof recipe that works and it's also easy to make at home: I've spent years perfecting this method, and today I can definitely say that this is the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe Ever.

They're crispy on the bottom but chewy, and the chocolate spread evenly so you will never bite a piece of cookie without also biting a piece of chocolate.

How do you make chocolate chip cookies from scratch?

There are a few tricks to make sure your chocolate chip cookies turn out the way they should, but I'll tell you everything after the step-by-step recipe, so you can start planning your shopping list to make sure you've everything that you need to bake these cookies at home.

Ingredients for 30/35 Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 227 grams (1 cup) salted butter
  • 220 grams (1 cup) brown sugar
  • 133 grams (⅔ cup) granulated sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 350 grams (2⅓ cups plus 1 tablespoon) all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 340 grams (2 cups) dark chocolate chips


  1. Heat the oven to 356°F (190°C) and line a baking pan with parchment paper;
  2. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a bowl;
  3. Cream the butter with the sugars in a separate bowl;
  4. Beat in eggs and vanilla until fluffy.
  5. Mix in the dry ingredients until you get a creamy mixture;
  6. Finally, add the chocolate chips and mix well by hand;
  7. Roll the dough into balls, considering about 2 tablespoons of dough each;
  8. Place the rolls evenly spaced on your cookie sheets;
  9. Bake in preheated oven for approximately 8-10 minutes;
  10. Remove from the oven when they're barely brown;
  11. Let them cool on a cooling rack and serve.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 8 minutes

Total time: 18 minutes

Chocolate Chip Cookies FAQ

How to make easy cookies from scratch? Here all the answers to your questions on how to make the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever!

What is the secret to chewy chocolate chip cookies?

The secret is all in the baking: you don't have to over-bake these cookies. It may look like your cookies are not ready to be taken out of the oven, but as soon as they start becoming slightly brown they must come out. They will set up as they sit on the cooling rack and they will be deliciously chewy.

Why do my chocolate chip cookies come out flat?

There can be multiple reasons why your cookies spread but the biggest problem is usually the butter. In fact, if you've used butter that is too soft or even melted, your cookies will spread. There's not much that you can do, but if you notice your dough is not firm don't use it and refrigerate it for 2 hours: in this way, the temperature of the ingredients will be perfect to bake the perfect chocolate chip cookies.

Why did my cookies spread out so much?

The biggest mistake we can make when we bake these cookies is not making space in the baking pan: cookies should be spaced about 2 inches apart, otherwise, they melt down. If your cookies have baked together you can still eat them, so do not worry!

Why are my cookies raw in the middle?

This is probably because the cookie dough balls were too varied in size. To avoid this, use a tablespoon to portion out cookie dough uniformly or, if you want to look and be even more professional, you can also use a cookie scoop.

Why my cookies are sour?

Well, you've probably used too much baking soda and it has unbalanced the whole recipe. There's no easy fix for this: just use the chocolate chip cookies with some ice cream or whipped cream, to bring the stinginess down, but this may not be enough.

What flour should I use for my chocolate chip cookies recipe?

We recommend you use unbleached all-purpose flour. This recipe works well also with almond flour and gluten-free flour.

Do I have to use salted butter or is it optional?

Salted butter gives your cookie that kick you want and need. You can use unsalted butter, but your cookies will be a bit blander in terms of flavor.

Why there are so few chocolate chips in my cookies?

You may have used too little chocolate chips or you may have chosen a brand that doesn't work well with this recipe. Next time, make sure you add more chips to your dough. For a better taste, chop high-quality chocolate bars into chunks and use them!

Can I freeze this chocolate chip cookie dough?

Yes, you can! Just roll the dough into balls, and freeze it. When you want to bake them, remove the dough balls from the freezer, set them on parchment-lined baking and let them defrost! Once they've reached the room temperature, they're ready to be baked.

Do I have to use a mixer for chocolate chip cookies?

Cookie dough can be mixed by hand, with an electric mixer, or with a stand mixer. I think that using an electric mixer or a stand mixer is the best solution because your dough will be soft and won't be lumpy. I mix the chocolate chips by hand, to avoid over-mixing the ingredients.

Can I use other ingredients to make these cookies?

You can use peanut butter instead of salted butter, just to name one. You can also add sprinkles or substitute chocolate chips with sprinkles (if you're looking for the best sprinkles to bake, I recommend checking on Fancy Sprinkles!). I personally don't recommend changing anything else, because I have no visibility on the result.

Shopping list to make easy chocolate chip cookies from scratch

I've rounded some of the products and tools you may need to make these easy chocolate chip cookies recipe at home

  • Cookie Scoop: this tool by Wilton will help you portion out your cookie dough uniformly. And you can also use it to serve your ice-cream! Win-win!
  • Hand Mixer: mixing your dough with a hand mixer makes everything easier. There are so many hand mixers out there, that picking one is almost impossible. A classic Kitchen Aid is always a good choice. If you're looking for the best stand mixers, have a look at our recommendations.
  • Cookie Tray: if you want to bake your cookies perfectly, you need to have a cookie sheet or a flat baking pan. I recommend and Nordic Ware: both are durable, of high-quality, and can be used to bake everything.
  • Flour: if you want to try using almond flour, Blue Diamond Almond Flour is my choice. If you're looking for unbleached all-purpose flour, we always recommend using Bob's Red Mill Organic Unbleached.
  • Chocolate Chips: do not save on the chocolate chips you're going to use, because they will have a strong impact on the cookies. I recommend Lily's Dark Chocolate Chips if you're looking for something natural and without sugar and the all-natural Gerbs Dark Chocolate Chips.
  • Cooling Rack: you can use a baking tray to let your cookies cool down, but a cooling rack is even better because the temperature will drop uniformly and in a very short amount of time.

These cookies hold a special place in my heart: they remind me of my childhood and are the best things to bake when you don't have time but you want to treat your mind and your heart. They're so easy to make that they will become your best homemade chocolate chip cookies recipe.

At the end of the day, cookies really make the world a better place!Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means that we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

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