Your bedtime skin care routine is essential! After making it through the day, the skin is ready to be pampered, rest and rejuvenate!
Art of Skincare
OK, it's a no brainer. You must take care of your skin. It's the largest organ in your body. It counts. Big time.
And, the art of skincare starts early in life.
However, if you're not a spring chicken, don't despair. It's never too late to shift to better healthier skin care habits.
And, here're just a few things that are important to remember and practice daily in your life

- Skin care starts from the inside. What you put in your body, as in what you eat, makes a difference in the glow and sparkle of your skin.
- Water water water. Your skin must be hydrated. So sip and drink lots of water daily.
- Don't smoke. Oh, that's a skin aging agent for sure.
- Avoid the sun and if you're in the sun, wear a very good sun block/sun screen. Nothing ages your skin like the sun. Also, grab a hat to shield yourself. And, if you're hiking, biking, and outdoors for ours, look into clothing that has sun resistance helping to protect you.
- Get ample sleep and rest. This is when your body rejuvenates and recovers from the stressors of the day.
For more of my thoughts of great skin care, read this post I've written.
Skin Care Brands
Here's another important point to remember about skin care and skin care brands. It takes time to see results, usually six to eight weeks or more.
And, sometimes the results are miniscule and very faint.
However, if you stick with a good skin care routine, morning and bedtime, and incorporate those other pointers (no smoking, limit sun exposure, eat healthy, stay active, be happy), your skin will emit the glow and sparkle of your hard work.

What is a Good Skincare Routine
My bedtime skin care routine is pretty simple. I use products that I trust. Over the decades, I've used a variety of different products. Times change. Technology changes. Skin care of the 1960s is different from skin care of the 21st century. So, I've run the gamut on skin care products. And, who knows, I'm always looking for new products that are better.
You can choose your own products. But, I'll list what I'm using here so you can check them out.
Another thing, Remember, my skin is not like your skin. Everyone has different skin types.
This routine, however, is how I do it. It might not be according to scientific guidelines, but it's shown that it works for me. And, I've been doing this routine for decades, so I've got a track record to show the results.
And, those pointers that I noted above, well, I've religiously followed them since I was in my mid 20s. I never smoked. I was not a sun worshipper. And, I've always worked at eating healthy, living clean, exercising and being active.

Good Skincare Products
So, here's my routine. I follow these steps to a tee. In between each step, I usually allow about 30-60 seconds to pass (I'll piddle and do something else!) then on to the next step.
Cleansing Nightly
Yes, the day has been rough on your skin. Lots of free radicals out there. Lots of grit, grime and dirt that is on your face, neck and decalage. You have to clean your face well. No, I don't use a toner. Just a gentle plant based cleanser. Do NOT go to bed without cleaning your face. Never sleep in your makeup!
My Product: PROVEN SKINCARE NighttimeIf you decide to try Proven Skincare, please use code ALLY99 at checkout for a huge savings!
Eye Cream
Your skin under and around your eyes is thin and delicate! You use your eyes all day and the surrounding muscles for things like blinking, squinting, etc.
Using an under eye cream specifically blended for evening and day is important to protect and help this skin.
I gently exfoliate my skin in the shower, maybe two to three times a week. Using my gentle facial cleanser, I'll carefully use this hand-held tool. It just softens my skin and makes it more luminous. Careful not to get to rough on your skin or use it under your eyes where the skin is extra thin and fragile.
My Product: Neutrogena Microdermabrasion SystemSerum
Serums address specific skin care needs. At night they penetrate into the skin and stimulate cell renewal while you're snoozing. Retinol has been touted as the anti-aging miracle worker. Retinols are derivatives of Vitamin A. Remember, a little goes a long way! I use this added anti-aging retinol about 2-3 times a week at night before I put on my nighttime cream.
Best Skincare Routine
My Retinol Product: Sunday Riley A+ High-Dose Anti Aging Retinol SerumIf you Google 'best skincare routine' you're going to get millions and millions of hits.
You have to find what's best for your skin. And, that includes products.
These products are perfect for my 'mature' skin. I don't want anything harsh. I prefer natural. And, knowing that my skin's my largest organ I don't want to keep rubbing something on it that's going to permeate and do harm to me over time. That's why I'm using these products. And, as I said, as new things come on the market, I try to be an astute and investigative consumer learning as much as I can and then making my decisions.