This volume explores the complete illustrated story of the Beatles from their formation, through the Beatlemania phenomenon, all the way through their breakup. Readers see how the band evolved and amplifed the uproar of the sixties, became politically and socially active, and achieved a lasting impact unparalleled in pop music. Chapters combine text and comics for complete information presented in a fun way.
The Beatles in Comics! by Gaet's
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Beatles in Comics by by Gaet's, Michels Mabel is a 2018 by NBM Publishing publication.
I've listened to The Beatles since I was a very small child. But, it wasn't until I was about ten or eleven that I became an avid fan. I’m not a collector of memorabilia or anything, but I do love reading anything about the group, and have several lovely coffee table books about The Beatles.
This book intrigued me because this past year I suddenly developed an interest in Graphic Novels, Manga, and Comics. The Beatles and Comics? How could I pass that up?
I was a little surprised when the book arrived in the mail. I wasn’t expecting such a lovely hardcover ‘coffee table’ style book! What a nice surprise!
However, the first thing that should be noted is that this book is not entirely made up of comics. In fact, the comics sections divide the space with the standard coffee table book format. The book chronicles the history of the group, from their first interest in music and onwards, using photographs and comics along with some brief remarks or commentary.
The other thing a knowledgeable comic lover will notice is that multiple illustrators contributed the artwork for this book. In and of itself, that’s not a problem, at least not for me. However, even a novice like myself couldn’t help but notice the extreme differences in style. Some of the artwork is better than others, which makes the overall experience a little uneven. In one instance, an illustration of a young Paul McCartney reminded me of Eddie Munster.
The Beatles were barely recognizable in a few of the other comics drawings, as well. However, for the most part, the various artists did a good job of depicting the Fab Four at various stages in their careers.
Beyond the illustrations, the book was typical of a coffee table book, lots of great, glossy photos of the band, along with wonderful bits of history and trivia. I enjoyed looking through the book and I think the book will make a great conversation piece. If you are Beatles fan, you might want to consider this one, for its uniqueness, if for no other reason. This book would also make a nice gift, not only for the die hard Beatles fan, but for those who enjoy history, pop culture and nostalgia.