“Avengers Assemble!” Written and directed by Joss Whedon, “The Avengers” is creating another miracle in film history. Three weeks has passed since “The Avengers” was on. But the great hit of these heroes is still continuing. As a matter of fact, “The Avengers” has been atop the box office for three weeks in a row and taken the forth throne of the world total box office.
It only take “The Avengers” 14 days to break through four hundred millions USD revenue, which was the shortest in the history of Hollywood. This hero-gathering film has taken 457 million US dollars since it was on in North America. Actually, “The Avengers” has made a great hit not only in North America, but also abroad. Since it was on abroad, it has taken 723 million US dollars overseas. This great success drives its overall revenue up to 1180 million US dollars. This box office result brought “The Avengers” forth throne in film history, closely following the third one-Battle of Hogwarts II, whose world box office revenue is 1300 million US dollars. Analysts tend to believe that it is only take time for “The Avengers” to take place of champion of box office revenue-Avatar.
Analysts indicate that it is not unexpected for “The Avengers” to make such a success since Marvel entertainment Inc has run them for years. You may not know that Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and The Incredible Hulk; or collectively “The Avengers”, have the same family background. They are some famous ones among 5,000 cartoon characters of Marvel entertainment, which was founded in 1939. In 2009, DIS (The Walt Disney Company) purchased Marvel Entertainment Inc at the price of 424 million dollars.
The original intention of Marvel Entertainment Inc. to create “The Avengers” was to compete with Justice League from Detective Comics, known as DC. DC was established in 1943 and now has grown into one of large-scale comics companies, as well as Marvel Entertainment Inc. DC has collected super heroes such as superman, batman, Wonder Woman and so on while Spiderman, The Hulk and Iron man belongs to Marvel Entertainment Inc.But, actually competition between these two great cosmic companies doesn’t prevent the cooperation of these super heroes. Since 1940, crossover of theseheroes appeared frequently. They sometimes fight together, sometimes fight against each other. These super heroes parties brought filmgoer visual feasts again and again. “The Avengers” is one among the visual feasts.