Lifestyle Magazine

The Art of Swaddling

By Chaayen
Honestly, motherhood during COVID is tough. As a first time parent, I had wanted to attend some prenatal classes to help me through this journey. Now, it is just simply self-learning with limited support. Most of the things I have learnt about new borns are either from the vendors or online and this is why I decided no matter how shitty I feel, I will write down every nibble of information I got because it probably can help another mum-to-be out there.
So today, I thought I will share with you all I have learnt about swaddling. Initially, when the Hubs and I came across this, we were a bit bewildered as to why would a new born want to sleep with restricted movements? I mean hasn't you been confined in a womb for 9+ months? Now that you escape from it, wouldn't you want all the freedom in the world?!?
The Art of Swaddling
So the Hub and I did a silly experiment, he "swaddled" me up in our comforter to let me experience it myself. And I concluded it was rather comfy and secure, though warm. I would think when swaddled a new born would feel like it is still in the womb, letting it feel safe. On further research, swaddling is also supposed to help restrict movements from the baby so it doesn't accidentally suffocate itself by its blanket. 
But swaddling with a cloth is really like doing some origami and I doubt the impatient woman in me will be able to swaddle a soft newborn when it is born. This was when I decided I need to find a simpler alternative. I was surfing through Bambino and came across their swaddles.
The Art of Swaddling
The swaddle-up ($55.90) looks like a little onesie. The Hubs and I picked this color cos we thought it looked like a dog bone HAHAHA. If you want something fuss-free, this is a easy solution. Just put baby in and zip it up. I was quite thankful that the material was really soft and breezy. Because the Hubs and I can't take humidity and warm weather very well so we don't really expect baby to be too different from me and the Hubs. 
We are also extremly pleased that the material was quite stretchy. Reason being, the little one seems to be on the bigger side (despite making me puke and all, it is getting quite a bit or just sucking nutrients off me) >_< But actually we don't need that big a piece because most babies stop swadling by 2 months (or when they start wanting to flip). The baby can be suffocated if it accidentally flip on its tummy!
The Art of Swaddling
Apart from the swaddles we saw, Bambino also hold other babies' needs and mummies' wants. We also received milestone cards ($19.90)...Whee. This is definitely more if a mummy's want. I thought it was cute if we could document baby's journey. There are even a notes section at the back to jot down fun facts of our little one. I have repacked the cards so that I won't fumble when our little one presents itself. 
If you are into simple, classy designs, these milestone cards would be up your alley. Looking at the cards, I was quite inspired to also make a welcome card for our baby. Hehe. Now that it is the circuit breaker, I just might be able to squeeze out some time for handicraft. :D

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