Food & Drink Magazine

The Abortion Pill

By Misslatoya @LaToyaLLawrence

Just as with any type of medications there are the pros and cons and possible side effects.

I’ve never been pregnant but I’m pretty sure any woman who ever considered the thought of an abortion would prefer to have a safe and legal procedure that was both non drastic and the most convenient for them.

The Abortion Pill

Abortion is a controversial issue among many people, nevertheless, a woman has the right to choose what is best for her and to decide over her own body.

Unlike the emergency contraception or morning after pill that can prevent a pregnancy before it starts or from within about five days of indulging in unprotected sexual activity the abortion pill is different.

The emergency contraception pills will not injure or bring to an end a pregnancy that is already in motion and some are available without a prescription.

The abortion pill will terminate an early pregnancy for up to thirteen weeks at the most as the medications could result an incomplete finish due to the maturation of an embryo after that specific time period.

These particular abortion pills legally available through health centers aren’t that medically advanced yet therefore any later stage of pregnancy would call for a surgical abortion.

The Abortion Pill

It may be a disappointment and unfortunate circumstance for those at further terms of gestation to have such a limited option of convenient measure to bring a means to an end.

With all the progress that is being made within research and study there may very well be a suitable or proper solution in the very near future.

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