Mobile RPGs have managed to capture an incredible place in the video gaming industry, and it is one of the greatest video game genres of all time, beyond any reasonable doubt. This is because mobile RPG games provides a range of fun-filled bonuses— starting with a substantial quantity of wealthy material and ending with incredibly lengthy game runs that keep the players hooked on for hours to end.
Here is the list of mobile RPG games to check out in 2019:
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Raid: Shadow Legends
Raid: In a very short time since its launch date, Shadow Legends has managed to collect a enormous community of highly committed players, mostly because it has created a technique of blending many vital RPG components in such a style that it becomes very quickly addictive.
This mobile RPG operates completely on the common turn-based mechanics, incorporating a solid style of role-playing. The cherry on the cake here is the integration of many very impressive sophisticated graphics.
You may think an abundance of information and sharp graphics will take a toll on the storage memory of your device, but well, you’re mistaken because the game will not take up more than 100 MB of your storage room while you’re in your Bastion. On Raid: Shadow Legends official website, you can play the game for free.
Cat Quest
Cat Quest presents itself very nicely due to the breathtaking artwork inside. It takes the player on a journey through a world of fantasy where you fight all kinds of monsters, use magic spells, and fight all kinds of bosses, all under a cat’s whiskers. When it comes to integrating beautiful isometric art, this game stands out of the crowd.
Jade Empire
Jade Empire is a relatively short game, covering only 18 to 24 hours of play time, but incorporating many Asian history facts and myths themes and ideas. This mobile RPG takes you on a journey as a young student to a provincial school of martial arts. The main storyline revolves around imperial treason, bureaucracy, inner-palace power battles, master learning, stray ghosts, and dozens of other immersive elements. Because of the broad range of twists and surprises, many have rated the tale of this game as exciting and captivating.
Titan Quest
In Titan Quest, gamers jump on an epic quest through many well-designed locations like the Greek Parthenon, Knossos’s labyrinth, Giza’s Great Pyramids, Babylon’s Hanging Gardens, and more. For players to use, enjoy, and equip their champions there are literally hundreds of pieces of unique and legendary equipment.
These are very useful in killing all the monsters and mythical beasts they meet in their quest to save all humanity from the titans ‘ wrath. Players can use a highly flexible class system and a wide range of interesting skills to customize their characters.
The Legend Of Grimrock
The Legend of Grimrock has a major trait even from the beginning, which is the reawakening of old world gaming blues, because it brings the same feelings that the first dungeon crawler RPGs were able to offer. This mobile game feels new with a detailed design and veteran players will agree that it almost immediately gives nostalgia.
Crawling through a dungeon never gets old and Grimrock’s Legend understands this all too well and is a testament to this theory and provides a wonderful gaming experience worth trying out.
Final Fantasy XV
In its 15th installment, Final Fantasy has again succeeded in bringing innovation and lovely graphics. Unfortunately, in the poor internet of repetitive and boring linear situations and tiny closed spaces that render fighting chaotic and impossible to follow, it falls a little too much.
This game has a lot of potential aside from these predicaments, and the characters were constructed and integrated flawlessly. The in-game story is very immersive, particularly the relationships between Noctis and his sworn brothers. However, modifications, sacrifices and compromises were created to fit this Final Fantasy game into a niche it might not belong to.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
You are attending the Hogwarts School of Magic as a new student in this mobile game and it features a story about your expelled sibling who attended that school even before you arrived and shame your chosen house. This small feature adds a considerable amount of drama to the story, making it a little more immersive.
The story is quite original, and you can make a lot of choices. This mobile game helps you become part of the world of wizards where you take your avatar to all kinds of classes and visit many interesting places.
Warhammer Quest 2
Warhammer Quest 2 Mobile Game is actually a fairly good and exciting game, and compared to its past installment, this one features a much wider range of enemy monsters as well as a more exciting range of strategies. The maps are beautifully drawn, but it’s too bad to be repetitive. It tends to become a little boring after a few hours. The player also has plenty of abilities to use, and they can be blended to produce the perfect combat setup. In this mobile game, one interesting feature is that it’s extremely stable: it doesn’t crash or stutter. It also prevented any additional microtransactions, which is an important plus by all means.
In conclusion, all the mobile RPG games described above have what it takes to provide you with a good, strong and fun-filled gaming experience to enjoy whenever you want: some manage to do it with incredible graphics, others with immersive story campaigns, and others merely by providing a broad range of abilities and customization options. A gaming experience is always a private issue and most kinds of expectations will definitely be met by the above list.