Self Expression Magazine

The 5 W’s

By Mochocki @mochocki

Now-a-days, all it takes to start a blog is a few clicks. In a matter of a minutes, I was set up on this site. I designed a header for my page in a few additional minutes. And POOF, I am now a blogger. GREAT! But what does that mean to you? Who am I and why should you care?


I am a child of God. This is the first, and truly only, thing I want to ever define the question “who am I?”

I am Catholic and appreciate my relationship with my church.

I am a wife. I work in non-profit. I lead a youth contemporary praise and worship band with my husband at our church. I spend as much time with my family as I can.


I am a third generation South Dakotan. I love life in South Dakota. People are nice, crime is low, items are less expensive, and life is slower. I live in the biggest city in the state, and it takes me no more than 30 minutes to get from one end of town to the other. I have never lived on a farm.

What? AND Why?

I have always had a passion for writing. In 5th grade, I won a “Young Authors” contest at my school. I was a pretty big deal. [enter sarcasm here!]

I am one of those people who lie awake at night just thinking. My brain never stops. I was told to write to help calm my mind.

I have been led, through Scripture, to the calling of ministry. What kind of ministry? …still writing to figure that one out. (Habakkuk 2:2) I have a voice and love to talk. For now, my ministry calling will be answered by this blog. I see myself sharing my love of public speaking as well and I hope to use this outlet to share my thoughts and stories and receive feedback.

This is what I am living on today – Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. (NASB)


To start, I will post a least once a week – I still have a full-time job and other commitments. But once I get settled in and more comfortable with writing, I’d love to post at least 5 times per week.


That is me in less than 400 words. I will share more on my “About Me” page. Please also check out my Facebook and Twitter pages!

I would love to hear from you. Do you have a blog? please share it with me so I can get to know you!

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