
The 20 Best Diet Tricks of All Time

Posted on the 10 March 2014 by Sadia

lose weightOld is Gold’, even if this proverb does not hold good for everything else around, it certainly does proves to be true in case of the below given 20 diet methods which still remain to be favorite of most dieters because of their health benefits as well as weight loss abilities.

Never Skip Breakfast

Staring the day with a filling yet healthy breakfast gives the strength to pull the day energetically as well as keep a check on the diet too.

Chew Properly

Food is to be had with a proper enjoyment and chewing. This gives the taste and helps in quick metabolism as well. For the desserts it is very important to follow the three bite rule wherein firstly a very small part of the desert should be picked, then three small bites are to be taken from it, and then lastly leaving it to itself, you should walk away.

Burn More

While exercising, take strength breaks of 30 seconds in between cycles and then see the result in terms of calorie burns.

Stop Snacking Mid Night

If you feel like snacking at night, maintain a rule to finish the snack session at least two to three hours prior to hitting the pillow. This is because during the sleeping hours the metabolism becomes very slow and the fat tends to gets stored instead of getting burnt.

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Double Check on Hunger

Always check with your appetite before you grab some junkie snack. It is usually noticed that most of the snacking is a result of boredom and not hunger. Therefore, the first thing to do when you feel hungry next time is to try reading a book or going for a walk outside.

Sleep Properly

Sacrifice on your sleep with you want your appetite hormone ghrelin in increase your intake of food. However, if a regular 6 to 8 hours of sleep it remains under control and so does your weight.

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Home Cooked Lunch

According to the studies which have taken place recently people who eat in restaurants tend to lose weight slowly than those carrying lunch from home.

Eat Plenty of Greens

If you eat plenty of vegetables at the starting of your meal, it is a good option to reduce the intake of high calorie food items.

No Complete Stopping of Snacks

Snacking should not be stopped completely because spilling the meals in to small ones help to stay full and keeps away from having unhealthy items.

Prepare Milestones

With setting a milestone, your motivation tends to get high and keeps you focused on your diet program.

Include Cheat Days

You cannot expect to succeed without faltering even once, better than that is to consciously have a day when you drop your restrictions. This will keep the body motivated and happy to follow the regime for the rest of the days.

Take Notes

If you keep a food journal with you, it helps to educate you about each and every item that you select for eating. So, with this knowledge you are able to avoid the junk food and keep a check on your weight.

Don’t go Grocery Shopping On an Empty Stomach

Going to grocery stores in an empty stomach increases the chances of getting tempted by the food on the shelves. Instead, go when you are full and have a list of things that you want.

No Soda

Excess intake of cola forces the muscles to reduce the rate of burning fat. So, avoid colas and drink plain water.

Opt for fiber and proteins

Try to have a higher amount of vegetables, seeds, and nuts till you are full.

Avoid Bubbles

Carbonated drinks result in swelling the stomach and keep it like that for hours giving the illusion of immense weight.

The Apple Test

Have an apple when you are hungry, and if no apple that means you are not hungry.

Reduce Carbs

Stopping the intake of carbs after lunch is an effective means of reducing weight.

Take an account

It’s very important for you to have a measure of the calories you need to take. The easiest way is to weight yourself and add a zero to it to know the daily calorie intake allowed for you. So, if your weight is 160 pounds the daily calorie allowed for you is 1600.

Go for a walk

A 10-15 minute walk after every meal burns 100 calories.

Although, these methods may seem to be simple and non-glamorized as the current diet fads but, they assure to give results and that is what you want at the end of the day.

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