Top from charity shop / Skinny jeans from Asos (petite) / sunglasses from Asos Heels from Asos I put the white lace on for added prettiness ! The title says it all really.My hair is crazy.My shoes are crazy.My top is crazy. But somehow, I think it works. One of my first posts featured these shoes (See here - 'Queen of all the heels') and I have just got round to featuring them in an outfit!These shoes will deffs be back, because when I came to editing and picking what photos to use, I realised that I didn't really focus on the shoes like I intended to do. Whoops... Any who, in other news... I am very excited because I have just been invited to my first ever bloggers event! The lovely Megan from Thumbelina Lillie has organised one for us bloggers in the north east, such a good idea! I always get jealous when I see all the good stuff going on down south, especially in London, in ways of meet-ups and events. Of course, I will be posting all about that so stay tuned !Hope you had a good read and a chill! Toooodles IF YOU LIKE MY BLOG AND THIS POST MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW ON...Bloglovin / Instagram / Tumblr / Twitter