Business Magazine

That’s a Swift Kick to the Nads

Posted on the 04 May 2019 by Worldwide @thedomains


So a new member at Namepros has the story of the day, maybe the month,it is early.

They got news from GoDaddy that they sold a premium listing for $99,999. GLOBALHEMPSOCIETY.COM regged last August.

Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at 12.22.20 PM.png

Happy story right? Well it seems payment was taking a bit of time but GoDaddy takes a bit longer to verify a sale of this amount.

Then the shot to the man zone came

The member posted:

Unfortunately as much as it hurts me to discuss the outcome, it was a malfunction on GDaddys software, and was sold at an undisclosed previously listed price , not $99,999.00 :(. I have decided to let it go at it’s previously listed price, however in future, these guys should be more responsive, and not send sales emails that are incorrect… wo is me, and now begins the reversal of excitement and backtracking all that I have told including my kids, god their faces when I told them.

The problem here being the member mentioned in his initial post that once he got the email about selling his name he started paying some bills.

The problem turns out that the member had the name priced much lower before and then raised the price. Of course people poured in how the op should go after GoDaddy legally. Joe Styler put that down pretty quick as one would imagine there are tos for this.

Prices do not automatically update at GoDaddy, Joe posted:


Now member Carob posted that he asked GoDaddy what would happen about someone trying to buy in the weird consequence of someone buying in between price changes.


This is REALLY serious.

Because I previously asked Godaddy what happens if I update a listing price and the old price is still displayed on GD (it often is for 48 hours). They said that if a customer put it in their cart at the old price, the system would refuse the sale. I regularly change prices – up – in response to events and trends.

I can understand you wanting to let it go and that probably is the best for you and the name, but there is a huge issue here with GD systems and policies. They need to either change prices in real time or state in the ToS that price change take up to x hours to take effect.

Is the only way to protect yourself to delete the listing???

Read the whole thread here

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