Fashion Magazine

That Good Girl Faith

By Winyeemichelle
That good girl faith
Daisybutter - UK Lifestyle and Fashion Blog: what i wore, baby blue hooded zara coat, topshop jamie ripped knee jeans
Daisybutter - UK Lifestyle and Fashion Blog: what i wore, baby blue hooded zara coat, topshop jamie ripped knee jeans
Daisybutter - UK Lifestyle and Fashion Blog: what i wore, baby blue hooded zara coat, topshop jamie ripped knee jeans
Daisybutter - UK Lifestyle and Fashion Blog: what i wore, baby blue hooded zara coat, topshop jamie ripped knee jeans
Daisybutter - UK Lifestyle and Fashion Blog: what i wore, baby blue hooded zara coat, topshop jamie ripped knee jeans

Zara hooded coat, Primark turtleneck jumper, Topshop Jamie jeans, F&F metallic shoes, Mulberry Bayswater Shoulder. Internet, meet the newest (coat) love in my life. Isn't she a darling? Funny story: I went shopping during my last weekend in England and told myself I couldn't buy so much as a sock because of my ridiculous packing situation. I spied this beauty from afar, tried it on and had 'that' internal struggle that all good shoppers go through. Do I? Don't I? Well, I did and I now live in a country where humid climates are the norm. So that's good.
I wore this for a coffee and cake day with my brother and sister on the weekend before I left. I miss them so much more than I even thought I would. Inside jokes, childhood memories, having the exact same taste in food, music, clothes and humor - siblings are the best guys. Mama Daisy landed in Hong Kong last night though so I guess that's some consolation.
Anyway -- to the outfit: #TurtleneckTuesdays I still adore this turtleneck jumper that I bought ages ago. I bought this on the night of the Taylor Swift 'RED' tour actually! It was one of those insane one-off Primark bargains and it's a bit itchy but nothing a camisole doesn't fix. It has this gorgeous fisherman knit and wonderfully Céline inspired over-length sleeves, ideal for covering up chipped nails and for burrowing around in for primary school memories. Works against the bracelet-length sleeves of my pretty coat for. Annoying.
My Topshop Jamie jeans continue to be the greatest thing ever to hit my jeans collection, btw. Really comfy with good stretch but enough hold to feel sucky-in ;) I might pick up a pair of these sans rips soon, Hong Kong Topshop prices considered. Watch this space.

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